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Apply for the Science Teaching Leadership Programme

Current status: Applications for Term 1 2025 are now open.

We are pleased to announce that applications for 2025 are now open. Tono mai and apply now!


Please read the guidance on how to apply for the Science Teaching Leadership Programme below. 

  1. Before completing the application form, please read the following:

  2. Nominated Teacher and Principal or HOD (where relevant) to complete:

    • Application Form

    • Applications should be typed and completed electronically. Please send all sections as one PDF.

  3. Nominated Teacher, Principal, HOD (where relevant), and Board of Trustees to sign:

    • Declaration Form

    • The Declaration Form is to be submitted alongside the Application Form.

  4. Submit all sections by no later than 26 July 2024.

If you have any questions about the Programme, please contact stlp@royalsociety.org.nz. We look forward to receiving your application.


(updated 11 July 2024)