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Sofie Claridge

Sofie from Kapiti College who has a range of interests from robotics and math to Japanese and economics has been selected for the 2019 Summer Research School in Mathematics and Informatics in Bulgaria.

My name is Sofie and I am a year 13 at Kapiti College. From a young age, I have been incredibly interested in science and technology. In primary school, I built basic robots and poured my heart and soul into science fair projects. Since coming to high school, my interest in the sciences has only grown due to my desire to better understand and improve the world around me.

This year I am studying chemistry, physics, Japanese, digital technology, economics and calculus. My interest in economics has also lead me to do economics papers via Canterbury University.

My main passion is for mathematics as I love exploring how numbers can express the world around us. My current goal is to pursue my love of maths at university, with plans to study some aspect of mathematics. I am a student member of the Royal Society Te Apārangi and enjoy the attending public lectures and reading inspiring articles from members.

I am thrilled and grateful to have been selected for the 2019 Summer Research School in Mathematics and Informatics, in Bulgaria. I am so excited to expand my scientific knowledge and to build an international network of people who share my passion for Mathematics.

In school, I am involved in multiple STEM clubs. I am a leader of the Girls Code Club, where we are currently designing and coding a light up dance performance. I am also an active member of my school’s Eco-Action Club, where I am currently leading a survey on the litter in my school’s stormwater drains.  Thirdly, I am also the founder of my school’s math club, where I try to share the joys of math with other students.

Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to the Royal Society Te Apārangi for enabling me to participate in such an awesome and exciting opportunity!