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Samuel Lee

Sam is in his last year at Marlborough Boys' College. In 2018 he was selected to attend Powering Potential and this year has been selected to attend Youth ANZAAS, in Adelaide.

I am a year 13 student at Marlborough Boys’ College. Since a young age, I have had a fascination and an enormous passion for science and technology. Most of my weekends now are spent planning, designing, and completing projects relating to these interests. Currently, my interests have been peaked by carbon-neutral power generation and the effects of the wine industry in Marlborough.

Another passion of mine is music! I have been playing the violin since I was 9 and this year have been selected for the National Youth Orchestra. I really enjoy playing among talented musicians such as those included in the Jazz Combo at college and other regional ensembles such as our Marlborough Civic Orchestra. I also love getting outdoors and experiencing Aotearoa New Zealand’s incredibly special national parks.

I am extremely excited and thankful to have the opportunity to travel to Adelaide in July to attend the Youth ANZAAS. It will be an awesome event through which I can meet lots of like-minded students and make connections that will last lifetimes. I am very lucky to have the support of the Royal Society Te Apārangi and I appreciate everything they do. I can’t wait for July and look forward to learning lots!