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Petra Fisher

Petra Fisher, a student from the Coromandel Peninsula who has a passion for science, music, sport and writing has been elected to attend the 2019 US Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama.

Kia ora, my name is Petra Fisher. I am very excited to have been selected for the 2019 US Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama!

I’m currently a year 13 student attending Mercury Bay Area School, in the Coromandel Peninsula, where I am an academic student leader. My level three classes are physics, computing technical, chemistry, English, history and calculus. My other interests lie in music, sport and writing. I play the flute in the Mercury Bay Area School Senior Band and am in the Mercury Bay Senior Girls 1st XI Football team.

I’m very enthusiastic about science. The what, how and why of our world, as well as our universe, fascinates me. I think that the most important objectives for scientists in the 21st century are discovering more about space travel and conserving our environment. I’d like to use problem-solving in the future to help solve the issues and challenges connected to these areas.

Going to the US Space Camp will allow me to pursue my passion for science, especially my interests in astronomy. I also hope that it will help me become clearer in my career path; deciding if a space-related career is a direction I want to go in for my future scientific studies. I am very thankful (and excited!) for this incredible opportunity.