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Marnie Best

Marnie Best, a year 13 student from Hamilton who wants to use science to make a positive contribution in her environment has been selected to attend the Experiences in Agriculture, Science and Technology programme in Queensland.

My name is Marnie Best. I am currently in year 13, studying at St Paul’s Collegiate in Hamilton. I am very grateful to have been selected for the 2019 FEAST program in Queensland - which will be an amazing experience where I hope to delve deeper into science with a new lens.

I have always found myself to have a particular fascination in the environment and animals, so am aspiring to future studies that may lead me down a medical research or agricultural research path. Ideally, I wish to come home from an experience such as FEAST with some clarification around a course of study that will fulfil my passions, and also contribute to others indirectly in some way - but I also meet some great new friends while in attendance!

I don’t know exactly what has driven me towards the sciences from a young age. Yet, when I look at the world and see the news and social media posts circulating regarding the rapid deterioration of our planet I continue to realise I want to chip into the bigger picture using science (particularly chemistry and biology) in a way that makes a positive contribution. I would attempt this by either gaining and utilising knowledge in a crucial field or sharing my angle on the situation and educating others on how we can slow down or even prevent and reverse further destruction of our planet to maintain and improve liveability for future generations. I think the quote “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime” gives an insight on how I would like to provide aid.

Outside of science I love the beach, am a bit of a homebody and probably appear painfully quiet until you get to know me. I enjoy reading and listening to all types of music. Recently, I travelled to Cambodia on a school service trip where we worked helping bring education to the slums – I am so very thankful for this experience which has genuinely propelled me to want to make my bit of difference.

I am in the 1st XI Football team and have previously represented my school in both swimming and water polo. At school, I am a member of our Mission and Outreach portfolio where we visit a local rest home for arts and a primary school just ‘Over the Fence’ to support them with the kids and positive learning environments. I also tutor our younger students, which is a great way to help share what I know and develop my own interpersonal skills.

Science for me satisfies my curiosity and allows me to contribute to society in a positive way.