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Logan Cho

Logan Cho who earlier this year represented New Zealand in the International Robotics Olympiad has been selected for the London International Youth Science Forum.

I am a Year 13 student at Pinehurst School. I am one of the Scholars Captains at our school and am currently taking chemistry, biology, physics and English literature, as well as an accelerated maths paper at the University of Auckland. Outside of school, I play and ref basketball, snowboard, volunteer for Code club, and enjoy tramping with my friends and family. I am very grateful and excited to have been selected for the London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF) this year, alongside four others from New Zealand.

The LIYSF attracts hundreds of passionate science-minded students from all across the globe. At the forum, we will be taken around renowned research facilities, partaking in seminars and debates organised by leading scientists, and also making new friends as we tour some amazing sites around London.

My passion for science is something that has evolved from my childhood love for crafting and sculpting and fascination behind the way in which things moved. Earlier this year, I returned from the Philippines after representing New Zealand in the International Robotics Olympiad (IRO). This was an opportunity that further cemented my desire to pursue a career in the field of science and is a reason why I particularly look forward to any lectures and seminars that relate to the field of mechatronics.

I would like to sincerely thank the Talented School Students Travel Award and Royal Society Te Apārangi for supporting me and others by providing us with incredible opportunities to develop leadership skills, fuel our curiosity and pursue our ambitions.