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Joel Clement

Joel Clement from Taranaki has a passion for the environment and science. He has been selected to attend the annual Future Experiences in Agriculture, Science and Technology held at the University of Queensland.

Kia ora, my name is Joel Clement and I'm one of the students fortunate enough to have been selected to attend the annual FEAST (Future Experiences in Agriculture, Science and Technology) residential program held at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.

I really look forward to this opportunity of being able to explore different science disciplines through hands-on activities and workshops alongside other like-minded students, as well as learning first-hand about the current challenges faced by scientists today. For me personally, I have always had a profound passion for environmental science and protecting the beautiful taiao in which we live. For this, I’m really excited to be able to further develop both my passion and knowledge surrounding the environment, as well as the ways in which I can help protect it through a career in the science industry.

I am currently 17 years old and am head boy at Opunake High School in Taranaki. When I’m not studying, I enjoy spending my time playing a bit of basketball, getting involved with environmental action, or by catching a few waves at the local surf spots. This year I take biology, chemistry, physics, calculus, statistics and English, and next year I’m looking to head down to the University of Otago to study either environmental science or first-year health science.

I believe my passion for the environment and for science itself stems from a curiosity towards the ways in which the planet and ecosystems harmonically interact, and for the many ways in which science can provide immense benefits for society. I eagerly await this opportunity to develop and expand this passion of mine and am immensely grateful towards Royal Society Te Apārangi to have been selected to do so.