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James Zingel

James Zingel who has a keen interest in both science and music has been selected to attend the Barcelona Youth Science Challenge in July.

Hi there! I’m James Zingel, a year 12 student at Bethlehem College. I have recently been extremely fortunate to be one of the few people selected to attend the Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge (BIYSC) this July and I am eagerly looking forward to it.

At this event, I will spend two weeks studying the strange nature of quantum physics and photonics. This is a 10 person research project and is one of twelve research projects happening during BIYSC. During this time, I am looking forward to meeting and collaborating with like-minded peers from all around the world, as well as also learning more about these cutting edge science developments.

I have always been attracted to science, as I have always asked 'how does that work and why'? This year at school I am studying calculus, chemistry, biology, physics, English and music, which enable me to learn more about the world from different perspectives. My desire to understand the world drives me to take the experiences that I can, and make the most of my opportunities.

Outside of school, I am involved in numerous activities. I am a keen musician and am currently working towards my grade 8 piano exam and play the lead trombone in my school’s Jazz band, concert band and orchestra. Whenever I get the chance, I tinker with my electronics creating many wacky projects. I am currently the Brown House captain at school and also enjoy the outdoors, both tramping and mountain biking through it.

After I leave school I would like to study science at Otago or Auckland University. I am very passionate about the fields of physics and chemistry and would love to pursue these subjects far beyond the secondary school level. However, I am still not completely sure where my future studies lie, but I want it to involve science!

I am extremely grateful for the Royal Society Te Apārangi for granting me this scholarship to allow me to attend this international event. They have made it so much easier for me to attend, and I am very thankful for them doing so. I am sure this event will change my scientific outlook for the better!