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Finn Stokes

Finn Stokes from New Plymouth Boys' High School is one of two students selected to attend the European Space Camp in Andenes, a remote village in Norway.

I am a year 13 student at New Plymouth Boys’ High School, I study physics, chemistry, calculus, statistics and electronics. I want to integrate what I love to do and my love for learning into my future endeavours to pursue a career in engineering to further this goal.

At the European Space Camp, about 20 students from all across the world attend lectures from some of the best scientists across Europe and work as a group to launch a 2.7m long Mongoose rocket.

Ever since I first went to the local observatory when I was about 8 years old, I have been in love with astronomy.  I have attended all of the astronomy lectures that the RASNZ (Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand) lecture trust has brought to my town.  I am a member of the New Plymouth Astronomical Society, where I enjoy participating in club nights which can range from simply learning to use the telescopes and other equipment, to astronomical lectures.

Other than astronomy, my major hobbies are electronics, computer science and photography, I’m sure Andøya will provide some scenic landscape shots. I enjoy using my knowledge of science and technology to understand the fundamentals of the devices that are at the heart of the information age.

 I am excited to apply my passions to European Space Camp in a hands-on manner by being able to launch a real rocket and interact with the challenges that come from taking your ideas outside a theoretical environment.