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Charles Gillingham

Charles Gillingham from Hutt International Boys' School in Wellington has been selected to attend the European Space Camp. This is an exciting opportunity as he will be spending a week with like-minded students, scientists and engineers at the Andoya Space Centre in Andenes which is a very remote part of Norway.

I am a keen inventor and scientist and have spent the majority of my life making things whether it be a roller coaster in the garden, firing rockets with/at my mates or melting holes through the drive with various chemical reactions. My love of science and inventing has been massively achieved through several amazing teachers who have taken the time to encourage me and my parents, Mum who lets me repeatedly blow up her poor garden and Dad who has the same crazy ideas as I do.

My subjects this year are physics, chemistry, calculus, digital technology, English and visual arts painting. I am also interested in biology although I do not technically take it as a class. Other than science I am a keen artist, selling artwork as a summer job last year.

I am really excited about Space Camp because after school I thinking of pursuing a career in engineering, hopefully working in the rocketry field and I know that this will be a huge help in achieving this dream.