Tony Wang

Tony has been selected for the International Maths Olympiad and next year will study maths at Cambridge University.
Hi! I’m Tony Wang and I go to Auckland International College.
There are many International Science Olympiads, but the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) was the earliest to be established and remains one of the most prestigious. This year will be my second year representing New Zealand at the IMO.
As well as having the opportunity to compete with over 600 other maths nerds (and getting an honourable mention!), last year’s experience helped me end my internal debate about whether maths or physics was cooler. Half a year later, after much support from friends and teachers, I got an offer to study mathematics at University of Cambridge! This will hopefully be my first step on my journey to become a mathematician.
I enjoy maths and I also believe everyone can, having all evolved to be pattern spotters, which is a big part of what maths is all about. I also enjoy maths because I enjoy all puzzles, and I’ve found maths problems to be the most satisfying and “everything-just-works” puzzles I’ve encountered.
In my free time, I like to immerse myself in playing, writing, and listening to music. I have played the piano and violin for 13 and six years respectively and I intend to continue at university. I also enjoy programming and playing chess.
I very much look forward to this year’s Olympiad, and hope that the experience will continue to enrich my mathematical journey!