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Sophie Deam

Sophie is a year 13 student at Riccarton High School. Next year she intends to study towards a Bachelor of Science at the University of Canterbury. She has recently been selected by the Society to attend the USA International Space Camp and will be funded by the Talented School Students Travel Award to attend.

I’m Sophie. I’m an explorer. I’m a student. I’m a physicist. I’m a dancer. I’m a creator. Most importantly, I’m just an ordinary 17 year old living in Christchurch New Zealand and studying at Riccarton High School. Day by day me and others my age are discovering the world around us, and in turn, discovering who we are.

I am a person who loves science. My Dad and I have always explored and asked questions and learnt about science together. My school has also encouraged me in these areas. Nothing however, can compare to a overseas experience, immersed entirely in discovery and the pursuit of knowledge. That is why I am so excited to be going to International Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama.  

On 6 July I will depart with four other students from around New Zealand and head for America where we will spend five days at Space Camp dedicated solely to learning about just that- space.

I know on this trip I will learn even more about who I am, and who I want to be in the future. There’s only so much you can learn online, and it's time to go and see it all for myself.