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Molly Hurley

Molly loves to travel and believes that is why she has such an interest in Geography. She is off soon to compete in the International Geography Olympiad in Canada.

Hi, my name is Molly Hurley. I live in Wellington and attend Wellington Girls College where I am in my final year. At school, I study mainly humanities subjects: History, media studies, classics, English, and geography, and also really enjoy playing sports such as tennis and skiing, as well as spending time with my friends and family.

I am very honoured to have been selected to attend the 2018 International Geography Olympiad (iGeo) in Quebec City, Canada alongside three other New Zealand students. The iGeo is an annual competition for geography students from all around the world to come together, which aims to facilitate social contacts between young people from different countries and stimulate an active interest in geographical and environmental studies. I am very excited for the opportunity and cannot wait to connect with people from across the globe who all share the same passion as me.

Although I have lived in Wellington my whole life, I really enjoy travelling, which I believe is part of the reason I love geography so much, as it helps me to understand the world in such a unique way. Alongside this, geography's status as both a humanity and science subject allows me to study such a wide range of topics which you don’t get in any other subject. My knowledge of the world and how we interact with the environment has only increased during my study of geography and has increased my passion for the subject. Next year, I hope to continue to study geography at a tertiary level under either a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts and also hope to work in the field of geography later on in life.

I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to travel to Quebec to take part in this years iGeo and am extremely excited for everything that is planned and all the memories I am going to make.