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Mason Lowe

Selected for FEAST (Future Experiences in Agriculture, Science & Technology), Mason is hoping to learn more about biological sciences and meet like-minded students.

My name is Mason Lowe and I am a year 12 student at  Napier Boys’ High School. I have been selected for the FEAST experience (Future Experiences in Agriculture, Science and Technology). It is held at the University of Queensland, Gatton Campus. I will join 100 other students that have been selected from Australia and New Zealand to experience university life for a week, staying in the halls of residence, and participating in the sporting and social aspects of university, along of course with the academic enrichment. there will be laboratory workshops, I am excited for the prospect, as it covers fields I am interested about.

Regarding myself, I would consider myself a busy body. I like to be actively involved in a range of areas. Hockey is where I find a tremendous amount of fun, as the Napier Boys’ 1st XI captain, while in my 12th year of playing and enjoying it just as much now as I did the first time I picked up a stick. I also enjoy spending time at the SPCA, where I have volunteered for the last 2 years. I wish to push myself in all fields through a driven work ethic, and this also means helping others. I tutor learning support and international students in NCEA Level 1 science, maths, economics and English. This is a challenging but rewarding experience, and I have a newfound appreciation for these students’ willingness to learn.

I believe FEAST will go hand-in-hand with my curiosity for science. In particular the biological aspects, and I am hopeful that FEAST has excellent insight into new and helpful concepts. I enjoy biology, as it provides an explanation to interactions and events on a real-world scale. When I leave school next year I wish to pursue this interest at a tertiary level, studying statistics and biological science. I think that these two aspects complement each other perfectly, and I believe this can help me in being a researcher to promote new ideas about conservation – this is particularly relevant given New Zealand’s geopolitical position. Overall, I am excited about the future in science, and hopeful that FEAST can act as a catalyst to inspire me even more.