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Ivan Solovyev

Ivan is in year 10 at Howick College and is studying year 13 calculus this year. He has a particular love of mathematics and programming which will no doubt help him greatly at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI)

Hello, my name is Ivan. My family and I moved to New Zealand more than ten years ago from Russia, which I was happy about because I have always found traveling exciting. I was born in Russia's former capital, Saint Petersburg, as was my Dad. However, unlike my father who is an artist, I have a passion for maths instead.

I’m currently a Year 10 student at Howick College, studying maths, programming, electronics and science. I have loved maths for as long as I can remember and I have pushed myself, and as a result am now studying Year 13 Calculus. I’m planning to continue studying math with the University of Auckland MAX programme course next year.

Another field I’m particularly interested is programming, hence I was glad to participate in the New Zealand Informatics Olympiad (NZIO) in 2017, held at the University of Auckland, which gave me a brilliant opportunity to attend the NZIO programming camp in January 2018 in Christchurch, and later another camp in Sydney, held by the Australian Mathematics Trust.

The training camps let me broaden my programming skills and raise it to the next level. It was fantastic to study and collaborate with like-minded students from all around Australia and New Zealand. The lectures taught me a lot of new skills and were always backed up with interactive and interesting lab sessions. Participating in this camp and doing well in these competitions were the biggest contributors to getting into the New Zealand  at the International Olympiad in Informatics team in 2018, which will be held in Japan this September.

In the future I think I would be interested in the field of robotics, as it involves both the software and hardware part of programming, and math, engineering and science, which would make it something I would greatly enjoy.