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Finn Stokes

Finn was eight years old when he first visited his local observatory and since then he has had a love of astronomy. It has been a goal of his to attend the United Space School and now that dream is realised. Finn leaves for the United Space School in July.

My name is Finn Stokes and I have been selected to go to the United Space School in Houston, Texas this year. The United Space School organised by The Foundation for International Space Education (FISE), has invited 50 students from 25 different countries come to study at the University of Clear Lake to design a hypothetical mission to Mars.

At New Plymouth Boys’ High School, I study physics and chemistry and over the past five weeks I have been applying what I have learned on weekly assignments from FISE. We complete these assignments so that they can gauge my strengths and weaknesses to place me on a team where my work on the mission will be useful, effective and enjoyable for me by allowing me to apply my passion in areas of science and technology.  I really enjoyed the assignments -researching, learning and extending my knowledge.

Ever since I first went to the local observatory when I was about eight years old, I have been in love with astronomy.  I have attended all of the astronomy lectures that the RASNZ (Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand) lecture trust has brought to my town and annoy my mother by getting up late to observe the night sky with my telescope. I am also a member of the New Plymouth Astronomical Society. I first became aware of the opportunity to attend the United Space School while in primary school and ever since then it had been a goal of mine to attend, now I am extremely excited and honored to be enrolled to attend this year.

Other than astronomy, my major hobbies are electronics and computer science. I enjoy using my understanding of science and technology to understand the fundamentals of the devices that are at the heart of the information age. I am very thankful for Talented School Students Travel Award to help me on my way to Houston.