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Ella Blakely

Ella wants to peruse a career in science but first would like to get a scholarship to attend an American college to pursue her interest in athletics.

Hi, my name is Ella and I'm in year 11 at Wellington High School. This year I was selected to be part of the International Young Naturalist Tournament (IYNT) science team, taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. Outside of science my interests include sport, especially athletics and football, as well as piano.

IYNT involves a team of six, solving and presenting the answers to 17 problems in a debate like style called a science ‘fight’. We will ‘fight’ teams from around the world in different stages, hopefully making it to the final. I am honoured to have been named the captain of the New Zealand team, and hope that our teams months of preparation will pay off by defending our championship. I have lived in Wellington my whole life, so am looking forward to experiencing the Georgian culture, as well as meeting teams from around the world.

Science seems to run in my family, my siblings and I have grown up with parents in science based careers. I have always been good at questioning ideas, and feel this is one of the reasons I enjoy science. I like being challenged, and because science is forever changing meaning no problem will ever be fully answered it speaks to my need for a challenge.

After school I would like to continue in the path of science either in medicine, biomedical engineering or something similar. However before this I would like to travel to America and attend college there, in hope to pursue my interest in athletics.