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Carlos Mendonca

Carlos is a student at Onslow College, Wellington and he has recently returned from attending a science event in Brisbane.

My name is Carlos Mendonça and I am 16 year old and live in Wellington. I attend Onslow College where I study mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, agricultural/horticultural science, english and art.

I am passionate about science, especially biological life sciences and physics. At school, I am a member of the environment group, where we trap pests and revegetate damaged bush around the school campus.

In my free time, I also enjoy competing in national and international physics tournaments and I am heavily involved with the New Zealand International Biology Olympiad. In the future, I hope to study both biomedical engineering and clinical medicine/research, so that I can work in medical research. I want to be a researcher as well as a practitioner, because I believe general practitioners can help patients, whereas a researcher can help populations.

I was lucky enough to be selected for FEAST Australia, a residential week long camp held in rural Queensland designed to inspire high school students on the opportunities in agricultural and veterinary sciences. Along with seven other students from New Zealand, we experienced and learnt about cutting edge technology and research in primary industry fields. On the camp, we were able to use ultra sound machines and other technologies, learning how modern technology is applied to primary production. I also enjoyed planting a research plot in the horticulture fields, learning in a hands-on approach on how researches test validity of fertilizer yield claims.

I really enjoyed FEAST Australia, I learnt about the various options biologists can take to train and study for a career at university. I would like to thank Royal Society Te Apārangi for giving me this opportunity and widening my perspective on the range of careers in biological fields.