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Bosco Yue

Bosco arrived from Hong Kong in 2016 and attends Auckland Grammar School. He would like a career in medicine or dentistry and is looking forward to attending Youth ANZAAS

Hi, I'm Bosco! I have been selected by Royal Society Te Apārangi for the 2018 Youth ANZAAS Science Forum held in Melbourne this July. In this week-long program, I will be visiting Australia's top academic institutions and organisations like the Department of Defence Research, which will definitely give me more insights into the broad spectrum of pathways that I could enter for a science-related career.

I came to Auckland from Hong Kong in 2016, and am now a year 13 student studying at Auckland Grammar School. I try to get myself involved in different STEM-related activities, and I take all three sciences as part of my CIE A level curriculum.

Outside of the classroom, I completed the course for "Biotechnology" and "Chemistry in Society" offered by the Centre for Talented Youth of Johns Hopkins University, allowing me to understand more of how the seemingly reality-disconnecting scientific knowledge we have could be related to people's daily life. (Who would have thought Coca-Cola had been initially manufactured as a substitute for morphine!)

Completing more courses like the Engineering Science MAX course at the University of Auckland gives me a taste of university life, and how high-school mathematics could be extended to further studies. I hope to study biomedicine or dentistry at the University of Otago, and the thought of me being able to assist people and improve their health as my daily work really pushes me to work hard in order to achieve this dream.

The Youth ANZAAS Science forum, will provide me with the opportunity to meet more people and make more friends with a common love for science. I hope I'll be able to use this opportunity as a stepping-board to continue on a STEM-related path in the future!