New Zealand Ecohydraulics Trust Travel Award
To enable early career researcher (including post-graduate students) in ecohydraulics from New Zealand to attend the biennial International Ecohydraulics and Fish Passage Symposium.
The International Symposium on Ecohydraulics and Fish Passage (ISE) is the premier meeting for researchers and innovative practitioners working across these disciplines focussing on the underpinning science and its application.
The objective of the New Zealand Ecohydraulics Trust Travel Award (NZETTA), managed on behalf of the New Zealand Ecohydraulics Trust by the Royal Society Te Apārangi, is to enable an early career researcher (including post-graduate students) in ecohydraulics from New Zealand to attend the biennial International Ecohydraulics and Fish Passage Symposium.
Current status
Applications for the New Zealand Ecohydraulics Trust Travel Award are now closed.
The next ISE is planned for 2026 in Switzerland.
If you have any queries about making an application to the New Zealand Ecohydraulics Trust Travel Award, please contact: