MBIE Science Whitinga Fellowship recipients
View recipients of the MBIE Science Whitinga Fellowship (in alphabetical order)
Dr Reem Abbas (Auckland University of Technology) for research entitled: “Enhancing New Zealand’s Response and Resilience to Future Pandemics: Towards A Minimum Dataset for Health Disasters”
Dr Paul Brown (University of Waikato) for research entitled: “Developing Accurate Preventative Crime Models that Reduce Systemic Biases”
Dr Rebecca Campbell (Plant & Food Research) for research entitled: “High resolution epidemiological models for plant disease prediction and risk management in Aotearoa New Zealand”
Dr Samuel Crawley (Victoria University of Wellington) for research entitled: “Comparing public opinion on climate change in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia: belief and issue salience”
Dr Xiaolin Cui (University of Otago) for research entitled: “Minimally invasive delivery of exosomes for myocardial infarction therapeutics”
Dr Jennifer Eom (The University of Auckland) for research entitled: “Dissecting the molecular and functional diversity of tumour associated fibroblasts in the tumour microenvironment”
Dr Rebecca Fitzgerald (Massey University/GNS Science) for research entitled: “Forecasting volcanic ballistic projectile hazard from blue sky eruptions at touristic volcanoes”
Dr Anna Forsyth (The University of Auckland) for research entitled: “Developing neuroimaging biomarkers of drug action for mental health medicines”
Dr Sylvia Frain (Auckland University of Technology) for research entitled: “A Second Sun: The Legacies of Nuclear Imperialisms across Oceania”
Dr Greer Gilmer (GNS Science) for research entitled: “Southward migration of the westerly wind belt: What is the impact on South Island water resources?”
Dr Samantha Heath (Unitec New Zealand) for research entitled: “Fit for the future: Reimagining nurse preparation for practice in New Zealand’s changing demography”
Dr James Hewett (University of Canterbury) for research entitled: “Deep vein thrombosis: getting to the heart of the problem”
Dr Moeata Keil (The University of Auckland) for research entitled: “‘It takes a village’: Caring for children in Pacific post-separation families”
Dr Julian Mackay (Victoria University of Wellington) for research entitled: “Chainmail: Holistic Specifications for Robust Programs”
Dr Matt Majic (Victoria University of Wellington) for research entitled: “Mean path length in optical billiards”
Dr Tui Matelau-Doherty (Auckland University of Technology) for research entitled: “The value of positive ethnic and national identities for Māori and Pacific people in New Zealand”
Dr Tara McAllister for research entitled: “Transforming how we do science in Aotearoa with mātauranga Māori”
Dr M-Remy Muhsin (University of Otago) for research entitled: “Targeting Cryptosporidiosis with Novel Peptoid Therapeutics”
Dr Juergen Oesterle (Victoria University of Wellington) for research entitled: “Using cosmogenic radionuclides and fission-track thermochronometry to benchmark human-enhanced erosion in a time of rapid climate change”
Dr Mahonri Owen (Massey University) for research entitled: “Semi-Autonomous Brain Controlled Interfaces to Overcome Physical and Nervous system Disorders”
Dr Febelyn Reguyal (The University of Auckland) for research entitled: “NZ electric vehicles: Eco-friendly now, how about in the future?”
Dr Katharina Robichon (Victoria University of Wellington) for research entitled: “Towards personal medicine – Analysis of Receptor abundances in Multiple Sclerosis to determine treatment regime”
Dr Leon Salter (Massey University) for research entitled: “Examining the effects of the expansion of gig work on health and wellbeing in a post-pandemic economy”
Dr Amba Sepie (University of Canterbury) for research entitled: “Strategies for Decolonisation: Indigenous Knowledges and Regenerative Cultural Design”
Dr Anne Marie Sohler (University of Otago) for research entitled: “A New Life at the Bottom of the World: Exploring the Embodied effects of Colonialism in 19th Century Pākehā and Chinese Migrants to New Zealand”
Dr Kris Taylor (The University of Auckland) for research entitled: “'Boys Talk': Working with boys and young men towards the prevention of gender-based harassment and violence through a series of workshop interventions”
Dr Wei Teng (University of Canterbury) for research entitled: “In the Lay-reader’s Eyes - Reassurance of Translation Quality”
Dr Siobhan Tu'akoi (The University of Auckland) for research entitled: “Co-designing a health promotion intervention for sustained rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease prevention in South Auckland Pacific communities”
Dr Jessica Tupou (Victoria University of Wellington) for research entitled: “Culturally responsive early intervention for tamariki Māori with takiwātanga/autism”
Dr Jesse Wiki (The University of Auckland) for research entitled: “Developing a spatial microsimulation model for population health and health policy in Aotearoa New Zealand”