Marsden awards 2016

View Marsden Fund grants awarded in 2016
Project | Project ID | Contact Investigator | Institution | Panel | Funding (GST excl) |
Blooming buddies: Explaining the co-existence of toxic and non-toxic strains in algal blooms | 16-CAW-002 | Dr J Puddick | Cawthron Institute | EEB | $ 300,000 |
Early birds: insights from the fossil record into the evolutionary and ecological histories of shorebirds. | 16-CTM-001 | Dr VL De Pietri | Canterbury Museum | EEB | $ 300,000 |
A new approach to studying Legionella mobility and persistence in engineered water systems | 16-ESR-001 | Dr L Pang | Institute of Environmental Science and Research | EIS | $ 830,000 |
Exposing New Zealand's hidden faults: Strain distribution across the South Island's faulted crust | 16-GNS-006 | Dr IJ Hamling | GNS Science | ESA | $ 300,000 |
Methanotroph's dirty little secret: they are not metabolically monogamous! | 16-GNS-035 | Dr CR Carere | GNS Science | CMP | $ 300,000 |
In one end out the other: using ancient dung to reconstruct the transformation of prehistoric island ecosystems by invasive rats | 16-LCR-001 | Associate Professor JM Wilmshurst | Landcare Research | EEB | $ 830,000 |
Reindigenising the Biosecurity System | 16-LIU-011 | Dr A Black | Lincoln University | SOC | $ 300,000 |
Floating families? New Chinese migrants in New Zealand and their multi-generational families | 16-MAU-023 | Dr LS Liu | Massey University | SOC | $ 300,000 |
'A Union of Hearts and Wills'? Second World War Conscription and New Zealand Society | 16-MAU-028 | Dr DC Littlewood | Massey University | HUM | $ 300,000 |
Exploring Māori Social Justice Concepts | 16-MAU-034 | Dr KPM Watene | Massey University | HUM | $ 300,000 |
Playing dice with Fermi: Full configuration interaction quantum Monte Carlo for fermionic superfluids | 16-MAU-073 | Professor J Brand | Massey University | PCB | $ 870,000 |
Hearing the Difference: New Strategies for Listening in Contemporary Politics | 16-MAU-097 | Dr EJ Beausoleil | Massey University | SOC | $ 300,000 |
Why fly when you can walk? Genetic pathways to flightlessness | 16-MAU-107 | Dr GC Gibb | Massey University | CMP | $ 300,000 |
“The land has eyes and teeth”: customary landowners’ entanglements with economic systems in the Pacific | 16-MAU-113 | Professor RA Scheyvens | Massey University | SOC | $ 735,000 |
Corals, currents, and phytoplankton: Reconstructing 3000 years of circulation and marine productivity in the world's largest ocean gyre | 16-NIW-021 | Dr HL Neil | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd | ESA | $ 850,000 |
The ocean vacuum-cleaner: Salp effects on the marine carbon cycle | 16-NIW-025 | Dr MR Decima | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd | EEB | $ 300,000 |
Active submarine landslides ride on gas pockets | 16-NIW-027 | Dr JJ Mountjoy | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd | ESA | $ 870,000 |
PilVax: a novel peptide delivery strategy for the development of vaccines | 16-UOA-016 | Associate Professor TK Proft | The University of Auckland | BMS | $ 825,000 |
Does rapid evolutionary adaptation to temperature heat up the role of consumer body size in ecosystems? | 16-UOA-023 | Dr KS Simon | The University of Auckland | EEB | $ 675,000 |
Coronary blood flow survives the heartbeat: How? | 16-UOA-029 | Professor NP Smith | The University of Auckland | EIS | $ 830,000 |
Welfare capital and the new welfare state: A comparative study of privately financed welfare services in the Anglophone world | 16-UOA-030 | Dr T Baker | The University of Auckland | SOC | $ 300,000 |
Semiconductor Catenation using Catalysis | 16-UOA-042 | Dr EM Leitao | The University of Auckland | PCB | $ 300,000 |
Symmetry, group structure, algorithms and representations | 16-UOA-043 | Professor MDE Conder | The University of Auckland | MIS | $ 500,000 |
Geometric structures critical for analysis and physical theories | 16-UOA-051 | Professor AR Gover | The University of Auckland | MIS | $ 525,000 |
Stop or go? Unravelling the mechanisms behind lymphatic vessel patterning. | 16-UOA-054 | Dr JW Astin | The University of Auckland | BMS | $ 820,000 |
A fire in the belly of Hineāmaru – Ngāpuhi distinctiveness | 16-UOA-063 | Dr MJ Webber | The University of Auckland | SOC | $ 300,000 |
Dependence Logic and Its Applications | 16-UOA-084 | Dr MJ Hannula | The University of Auckland | MIS | $ 300,000 |
Novel Decomposition Techniques for Multiobjective Optimisation | 16-UOA-086 | Dr A Raith | The University of Auckland | MIS | $ 300,000 |
Sight unseen: penetrating the enigma of unconscious vision. | 16-UOA-101 | Associate Professor AJ Lambert | The University of Auckland | EHB | $ 675,000 |
Power Politics: Electricity and Sustainability in Post-Disaster Ōtautahi (Christchurch) | 16-UOA-118 | Associate Professor SD Matthewman | The University of Auckland | SOC | $ 630,000 |
Implicit Language Aptitude: How to Learn a Second Language Unconsciously | 16-UOA-119 | Dr S Li | The University of Auckland | EHB | $ 300,000 |
Mum, you are what your babies make you! | 16-UOA-123 | Professor LW Chamley | The University of Auckland | CMP | $ 800,000 |
Naturally biased? Exploring neuropeptide signal pathway bias in neurons. | 16-UOA-143 | Dr CS Walker | The University of Auckland | CMP | $ 300,000 |
Advanced mathematical and cryptographical tools for software protection | 16-UOA-144 | Professor SD Galbraith | The University of Auckland | MIS | $ 590,000 |
Making receptors fly: using mass spectrometry to reveal mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptor function | 16-UOA-175 | Professor DL Hay | The University of Auckland | CMP | $ 810,000 |
Measuring in vivo activity in the prefrontal cortex and its link to Autism Spectrum Disorders | 16-UOA-182 | Dr JE Cheyne | The University of Auckland | BMS | $ 300,000 |
Power to the People? Investigating the Politics and Resilience of Community Energy Initiatives in New Zealand, the UK, and Denmark | 16-UOA-185 | Dr JL MacArthur | The University of Auckland | SOC | $ 300,000 |
Beyond the Jury Paradox: Collective Decision-Making without Common Priors | 16-UOA-190 | Dr S Lippert | The University of Auckland | EHB | $ 705,000 |
Māori, Pasifika Youth and Justice: International Comparisons | 16-UOA-225 | Dr RD Webb | The University of Auckland | SOC | $ 695,000 |
Determining the potential of the corneal Transition Zone as corneal endothelial transplants | 16-UOA-227 | Dr J Zhang | The University of Auckland | BMS | $ 300,000 |
New Methods of Panel Data Forecasting Applied to New Zealand’s Property Market | 16-UOA-239 | Dr RT Greenaway-McGrevy | The University of Auckland | EHB | $ 705,000 |
A Law Beyond Democracy: The Insulation of Private Law from Democratic Change | 16-UOA-242 | Dr A Rosen | The University of Auckland | HUM | $ 300,000 |
Nano-containers for signals to cells - when and where they are needed | 16-UOA-246 | Dr J Malmstrom | The University of Auckland | EIS | $ 300,000 |
Spectacles in a bottle: Pharmacological regulation of the physiological optics of the ocular lens | 16-UOA-251 | Professor PJ Donaldson | The University of Auckland | CMP | $ 810,000 |
The making of Maori society: an archaeological analysis of social networks and geo-political interaction. | 16-UOA-261 | Professor TN Ladefoged | The University of Auckland | EHB | $ 705,000 |
Melt inclusions as a 'window' through the crust: What drives the most productive region of silicic volcanism on Earth? | 16-UOA-267 | Dr SJ Barker | The University of Auckland | ESA | $ 300,000 |
Understanding internal communication within proteins | 16-UOA-269 | Dr JM Johnston | The University of Auckland | PCB | $ 870,000 |
Genomes, phenotypes and fossils: integrative models of species evolution | 16-UOA-277 | Professor AJ Drummond | The University of Auckland | EEB | $ 830,000 |
Ancient Futures: Late 18th and early 19th century Tongan arts and their legacies | 16-UOA-281 | Dr PS Herda | The University of Auckland | HUM | $ 530,000 |
Understanding the geometry of dynamics: invariant manifolds and their interactions | 16-UOA-286 | Professor HM Osinga | The University of Auckland | MIS | $ 590,000 |
New Optical Sensors for Geophysical Applications | 16-UOA-296 | Professor NGR Broderick | The University of Auckland | EIS | $ 830,000 |
The mechanics of mitochondrial derived peptides (MDP) | 16-UOA-313 | Dr TL Merry | The University of Auckland | BMS | $ 300,000 |
New Phosphors for White Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) | 16-UOA-318 | Dr SF Huang | The University of Auckland | EIS | $ 300,000 |
Why don't orchid pollinators go extinct? A new mechanism for the maintenance of coevolutionary relationships | 16-UOA-321 | Dr AC Gaskett | The University of Auckland | EEB | $ 300,000 |
Opening Nature's vaults: speleothem archives of volcanic eruptions | 16-UOA-333 | Professor JA Baker | The University of Auckland | ESA | $ 870,000 |
Quantifying the importance of non-additive competition in diverse natural plant communities | 16-UOC-008 | Associate Professor DB Stouffer | University of Canterbury | EEB | $ 795,000 |
A new paradigm for organelle targeting | 16-UOC-009 | Professor AJ Fairbanks | University of Canterbury | PCB | $ 870,000 |
Brain inspired on-chip computation using self-assembled nanoparticles | 16-UOC-057 | Dr SK Bose | University of Canterbury | EIS | $ 300,000 |
What is the Southland accent? | 16-UOC-058 | Dr L Clark | University of Canterbury | HUM | $ 530,000 |
Counting the number and distribution of planets in the Galaxy. | 16-UOC-063 | Associate Professor MD Albrow | University of Canterbury | ESA | $ 870,000 |
New methods for imaging biological macromolecules using x-ray free-electron lasers | 16-UOC-069 | Professor RP Millane | University of Canterbury | EIS | $ 830,000 |
Unique Acoustic Signatures to Diagnose Impending DOOM (Dysfunction Of Osteo-Mechanics) | 16-UOC-076 | Dr GW Rodgers | University of Canterbury | EIS | $ 300,000 |
An Artificial Algebra for Implicit Learning of Mathematical Structure | 16-UOC-079 | Professor RC Grace | University of Canterbury | EHB | $ 705,000 |
Drinking for two: Central resetting of water balance in pregnancy and lactation | 16-UOO-005 | Professor CH Brown | University of Otago | BMS | $ 825,000 |
Remembering together: Collective memory and collective intentionality | 16-UOO-016 | Dr KH Michaelian | University of Otago | HUM | $ 300,000 |
The origins and development of pre-European contact musical instruments in Aotearoa (New Zealand), Rēkohu and Rangihaute (Chatham and Pitt Islands). | 16-UOO-045 | Dr JA Cattermole | University of Otago | SOC | $ 530,000 |
Unraveling the key role of cytochrome bd oxidase in antimicrobial lethality in tuberculosis | 16-UOO-061 | Professor GM Cook | University of Otago | BMS | $ 825,000 |
Bones under pressure. How does the skeleton sense gravity? | 16-UOO-071 | Professor SP Robertson | University of Otago | BMS | $ 825,000 |
Becoming master of your destiny: insights into genome activation from nuclear structure | 16-UOO-072 | Associate Professor JA Horsfield | University of Otago | CMP | $ 810,000 |
Acute Mental Health Wards: Therapeutic Spaces or Stigmatising Places ? | 16-UOO-088 | Dr GLS Jenkin | University of Otago | SOC | $ 300,000 |
Do glaciers drive diversity? Using ancient DNA to retrace the history of New Zealand’s biodiversity | 16-UOO-096 | Dr NJ Rawlence | University of Otago | EEB | $ 300,000 |
Epigenetics and Evolutionary Theory | 16-UOO-106 | Professor HG Spencer | University of Otago | EEB | $ 825,000 |
How does the Earth stop Global Warming? Testing climate stabilisation during ‘hyperthermal’ events. | 16-UOO-110 | Dr MO Clarkson | University of Otago | ESA | $ 300,000 |
Splitting up the farm? A cross-cultural history of land and inheritance in Aotearoa | 16-UOO-112 | Dr JM McCabe | University of Otago | HUM | $ 300,000 |
Digging into the biggest explosive submarine eruption ever "seen" to understand seafloor volcanism | 16-UOO-134 | Professor JDL White | University of Otago | ESA | $ 855,000 |
Parasitic Puppeteers - How do They Pull the Strings? | 16-UOO-152 | Professor NJ Gemmell | University of Otago | EEB | $ 830,000 |
Optical Network-on-Chips (ONoCs): Architectures and Routing Algorithms for Ultra High-Throughput and Energy-Efficient On-Chip Communications | 16-UOO-164 | Dr YC Chen | University of Otago | MIS | $ 300,000 |
The genes of life and death: a role for placental-specific genes in cancer? | 16-UOO-178 | Professor MR Eccles | University of Otago | BMS | $ 825,000 |
Uncovering the physiological roles of the multiple NDH2 in bacterial genomes | 16-UOO-185 | Dr Y Nakatani | University of Otago | CMP | $ 300,000 |
Quit or persist? The neural mechanisms of forfeit behaviour | 16-UOO-190 | Dr KL Hillman | University of Otago | EHB | $ 705,000 |
Why do inbred males fire blanks? Unravelling the relationship between inbreeding and infertility | 16-UOO-199 | Dr HR Taylor | University of Otago | EEB | $ 300,000 |
In vivo gene editing with CRISPR to define estrogen feedback in the brain | 16-UOO-201 | Professor AE Herbison | University of Otago | BMS | $ 825,000 |
Silencing unwanted expression in molecular circuits using naturally evolved solutions | 16-UOO-207 | Professor CW Ronson | University of Otago | CMP | $ 750,000 |
A green approach to denitrification of water | 16-UOO-216 | Dr AL Garden | University of Otago | PCB | $ 300,000 |
Hypothalamic Inflammation: Cause of leptin resistance and obesity? | 16-UOO-233 | Dr A Tups | University of Otago | BMS | $ 795,000 |
Growth factors mediating prolactin-induced neurogenesis in the adult brain | 16-UOO-236 | Professor DR Grattan | University of Otago | CMP | $ 810,000 |
The dating game of loanwords: linguistic and sociolinguistic characteristics influencing loanword usage | 16-UOW-015 | Dr AS Calude | University of Waikato | HUM | $ 300,000 |
Macromolecular rate theory (MMRT) and the catalytic power of enzymes | 16-UOW-027 | Professor VL Arcus | University of Waikato | PCB | $ 870,000 |
Using New Zealand's divaricate plants to test a new hypothesis about the evolution of anti-browsing defences | 16-UOW-029 | Dr CH Lusk | University of Waikato | EEB | $ 830,000 |
While you were sleeping: Nap-dependent emotional memory processing in infants | 16-UOW-061 | Dr S Seehagen | University of Waikato | EHB | $ 300,000 |
Counting our Tūpuna: Colonisation and Indigenous Survivorship in Aotearoa NZ | 16-UOW-064 | Associate Professor TH Kukutai | University of Waikato | SOC | $ 735,000 |
From parasitism to mutualism: symbiosis interaction states and the adaptability of reef corals to climate change | 16-VUW-002 | Associate Professor SK Davy | Victoria University of Wellington | EEB | $ 830,000 |
East Side Orchestras: Music, Poverty, and Social Change | 16-VUW-028 | Dr L Gibson | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $ 300,000 |
Citizenship in Aotearoa New Zealand: Young people, belonging and changing times | 16-VUW-030 | Dr BE Wood | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $ 300,000 |
Probing the optical absorption of molecules adsorbed on metallic nanoparticles | 16-VUW-035 | Professor EC Le Ru | Victoria University of Wellington | PCB | $ 840,000 |
Testing for Fishing-Induced Evolution using DNA from Ancient and Modern Snapper | 16-VUW-040 | Dr PA Ritchie | Victoria University of Wellington | EEB | $ 830,000 |
The missing link: A traceless linking strategy for the conjugation of complex carbohydrates to proteins and peptides | 16-VUW-050 | Dr MSM Timmer | Victoria University of Wellington | PCB | $ 870,000 |
War and peace in the Nursery: How do young children negotiate conflict to establish belonging and well-being in a multi-ethnic NZ early childhood centre? | 16-VUW-053 | Professor MC Dalli | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $ 735,000 |
'Woe is me': women and complaint in the English Renaissance | 16-VUW-057 | Dr SCE Ross | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $ 450,000 |
Dimension reduction for mixed type multivariate data | 16-VUW-062 | Dr I Liu | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $ 550,000 |
Nanostructuring in iron-based wires for ultra-high current density | 16-VUW-063 | Dr SV Chong | Victoria University of Wellington | EIS | $ 720,000 |
Automatic Design of Heuristics for Dynamic Arc Routing Problem with Genetic Programming | 16-VUW-079 | Dr Y Mei | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $ 300,000 |
A 'Big Data' Approach to the Problem of Electoral Turnout | 16-VUW-100 | Professor J Vowles | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $ 635,000 |
Mapping the Cosmic Web with the Murchison Widefield Array | 16-VUW-104 | Associate Professor M Johnston-Hollitt | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $ 870,000 |
Finding the needle by removing the haystack: modeling diffuse foregrounds to detect the Epoch of Reionization | 16-VUW-105 | Dr QC Zheng | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $ 300,000 |
Large-scale Evolutionary Feature Selection for Classification | 16-VUW-111 | Dr B Xue | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $ 300,000 |
The origin of UV photoprotection in the brown skin pigment eumelanin | 16-VUW-115 | Dr JM Hodgkiss | Victoria University of Wellington | PCB | $ 870,000 |
On the theory of distribution-free tests for statistical hypothesis and unitary operators in functional spaces | 16-VUW-124 | Professor EV Khmaladze | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $ 585,000 |
The Mathematics of Computation | 16-VUW-131 | Professor RG Downey | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $ 565,000 |
Distributed Processing with Information Privacy in Sensor Networks | 16-VUW-140 | Professor WB Kleijn | Victoria University of Wellington | EIS | $ 790,000 |
The Mysterious Disappearance of Tuuaahu | 16-VUW-145 | Associate Professor JD Sissons | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $ 390,000 |
Stretching the celluloid ceiling: women's creative agency in the emergent Pacific film industry. | 16-VUW-156 | Dr PT Stupples | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $ 300,000 |
Establishing natural baselines of glacier variability in a warm world | 16-VUW-171 | Dr SR Eaves | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $ 300,000 |
Fractionating face blindness: Creating a taxonomy for developmental prosopagnosia | 16-VUW-175 | Dr T Susilo | Victoria University of Wellington | EHB | $ 300,000 |
Ngā Takahuringā ō te ao- The effect of Climate Change on Traditional Māori Calendars | 16-VUW-177 | Dr PL Harris | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $ 720,000 |
Constituent Power and the Law | 16-VUW-193 | Dr I Colon-Rios | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $ 420,000 |
Children's understanding of shared knowledge and its importance for effective communication | 16-VUW-204 | Dr A Martin | Victoria University of Wellington | EHB | $ 300,000 |
You can download an Excel spreadsheet of these results, including abstracts of all projects, here: 2016 Marsden Fund Awards