Marsden awards 2015

View Marsden Fund grants awarded in 2015
Project | Project ID | Contact Investigator | Institution | Panel | Funding (GST excl) |
Good riddance to bad rubbish: waste disposal in motor neuron disease | 15-UOA-157 | Dr EL Scotter | The University of Auckland | BMS | $300,000 |
A novel approach for studying the mechanoenergetics of the heart at the tissue level | 15-UOA-209 | Dr J-C Han | The University of Auckland | BMS | $300,000 |
Mitochondrial DNA transfer to cells with mitochondrial genome damage following bone marrow transplantation | 15-MIM-001 | Professor MV Berridge | Malaghan Institute of Medical Research | BMS | $840,000 |
A novel molecular sensor to optimise central nervous system gene therapy | 15-UOA-039 | Associate Professor DS Young | The University of Auckland | BMS | $840,000 |
Immune cell migration: a new role for a "clot busting" enzyme | 15-UOA-218 | Associate Professor NP Birch | The University of Auckland | BMS | $840,000 |
Generating novel biosensors to monitor oxidative stress in the heart | 15-UOO-034 | Dr PP Jones | University of Otago | BMS | $805,000 |
Exposed: does a leaky blood-brain barrier elevate the risk for obesity in the offspring of obese mothers? | 15-UOO-100 | Dr CL Jasoni | University of Otago | BMS | $740,000 |
Game of clones: unravelling biocide resistance mechanisms in Staphylococcus aureus | 15-UOO-191 | Dr DA Williamson | University of Otago | BMS | $490,000 |
Identifying novel DNA replication components through harnessing the resource of Mendelian disease | 15-UOO-211 | Dr LS Bicknell | University of Otago | BMS | $840,000 |
Evolution of a gene silencing mechanism contributing to speciation | 15-PAF-001 | Dr NW Albert | Plant and Food Research | CMP | $300,000 |
A road map for Cannabinoid Receptor 2 intracellular trafficking: molecular mechanisms of cell surface delivery | 15-UOA-194 | Dr NL Grimsey | The University of Auckland | CMP | $300,000 |
Restriction of gene transfer in pathogenic bacteria by a novel CRISPR-Cas system | 15-UOO-122 | Dr RHJ Staals | University of Otago | CMP | $300,000 |
A chemical cue for fungal-plant symbiosis | 15-MAU-148 | Professor DB Scott | Massey University | CMP | $825,000 |
Probing the protein membrane interface of an oncogenic cell signalling system | 15-UOA-105 | Dr JU Flanagan | The University of Auckland | CMP | $810,000 |
Shear force dependent regulation of epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) and its relevance for blood pressure regulation | 15-UOO-030 | Dr M Fronius | University of Otago | CMP | $755,000 |
Salinity tolerance and betalain pigments: unlocking how an extraordinary plant alkaloid combats salt stress | 15-VUW-027 | Professor KS Gould | Victoria University of Wellington | CMP | $810,000 |
Better, faster, stronger: bionic enzymes for artificial substrates | 15-VUW-037 | Associate Professor DF Ackerley | Victoria University of Wellington | CMP | $825,000 |
Unpacking infection spillover dynamics | 15-MAU-028 | Dr DTS Hayman | Massey University | EEB | $300,000 |
First come, best served? The role of generalist and specialist species in the assembly, diversity and productivity of ecosystems | 15-VUW-069 | Dr JR Deslippe | Victoria University of Wellington | EEB | $300,000 |
Synergising ecology and evolution: discovering patterns of functional and phylogenetic diversity of New Zealand's marine fishes versus depth | 15-MAU-132 | Professor MJ Anderson | Massey University | EEB | $840,000 |
Evolutionary drivers of ornamental coloration in male and female birds | 15-MAU-136 | Associate Professor J Dale | Massey University | EEB | $775,000 |
What was the first smell? | 15-PAF-007 | Professor RD Newcomb | Plant and Food Research | EEB | $840,000 |
What drives the evolution of extreme male weaponry? | 15-UOA-241 | Dr GI Holwell | The University of Auckland | EEB | $840,000 |
Conserving small island populations of endangered New Zealand birds: can a "Swiss Family Robinson" dilemma be avoided? | 15-UOC-038 | Professor JV Briskie | University of Canterbury | EEB | $805,000 |
Do old males deliver the good epigenes? | 15-UOO-110 | Dr SL Johnson | University of Otago | EEB | $840,000 |
Born at the right time? Disentangling the effects of birthdate and developmental trajectories on fitness, population dynamics, and the evolution of life-history strategies | 15-VUW-028 | Associate Professor JS Shima | Victoria University of Wellington | EEB | $840,000 |
Soaking it up: unlocking mechanisms of sponge acclimation in a changing world | 15-VUW-127 | Associate Professor JJ Bell | Victoria University of Wellington | EEB | $840,000 |
How responsive is migration to financial incentives? Evidence from New Zealand's student support scheme | 15-MEP-001 | Dr IYF Sin | Motu Economic & Public Policy Research Trust | EHB | $300,000 |
Meet the neighbours: evidence for interaction between the Lapita culture and non-Austronesian communities in Papua New Guinea | 15-UOO-116 | Dr AC Ford | University of Otago | EHB | $300,000 |
Searching for a shared world: the integration of prosody and word ordering in cross-linguistic speech perception | 15-VUW-015 | Dr SA Calhoun | Victoria University of Wellington | EHB | $300,000 |
Statistical learning with and without a lexicon | 15-UOC-105 | Professor JB Hay | University of Canterbury | EHB | $767,000 |
The origins of social inequality in Southeast Asia: an exploration of health and wealth disparity at the emergence of state level society | 15-UOO-018 | Associate Professor HR Buckley | University of Otago | EHB | $767,000 |
Out of the mouths of babes: interviewing children in forensic contexts | 15-UOO-061 | Professor H Hayne | University of Otago | EHB | $742,000 |
A genomic study of the people of Wairau Bar: health, history and origins of the first New Zealanders | 15-UOO-169 | Professor EA Matisoo-Smith | University of Otago | EHB | $767,000 |
A baby's eye view: theory of mind development through exposure to repeated behaviours | 15-UOO-185 | Professor T Ruffman | University of Otago | EHB | $767,000 |
Biosensing with insect odorant receptor proteins | 15-PAF-002 | Dr CJF Carraher | Plant and Food Research | EIS | $300,000 |
Hyphae-on-a-chip: a microfluidic platform for the study of protrusive forces in hyphal invasion | 15-UOC-037 | Dr VM Nock | University of Canterbury | EIS | $300,000 |
Transforming the problem of motion blur into a measurement of velocity in time-of-flight distance imaging | 15-UOW-008 | Dr LV Streeter | University of Waikato | EIS | $300,000 |
Shedding new light on the eye | 15-UOA-023 | Dr FDG Vanholsbeeck | The University of Auckland | EIS | $800,000 |
A human neural chip platform for in vitro neuroscientific discovery | 15-UOA-032 | Dr CP Unsworth | The University of Auckland | EIS | $805,000 |
Water purification using a green science approach | 15-UOA-152 | Professor LJ Wright | The University of Auckland | EIS | $810,000 |
Widely-tunable optical microresonator parametric oscillators. | 15-UOA-295 | Dr SG Murdoch | The University of Auckland | EIS | $760,000 |
Nanoscale topological insulators | 15-UOC-021 | Professor SA Brown | University of Canterbury | EIS | $820,000 |
Do softer rocks and fluids control earthquake behaviour? Probing the Hikurangi subduction mega-thrust using full-waveform inversion | 15-GNS-002 | Dr Y Kaneko | GNS Science | ESA | $300,000 |
Putting a lid on it: dynamic and thermodynamic effects of an active, multi-phase interfacial layer on boundary-layer interactions | 15-NIW-007 | Dr NJ Robinson | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research | ESA | $300,000 |
The ice is melting: how do trace metals in the ocean influence the Antarctic marine ecosystem and global climate? | 15-UOO-070 | Dr R Middag | University of Otago | ESA | $300,000 |
Is the Southern Ocean carbon sink sinking? Using records of atmospheric radiocarbon to characterise the response of the Southern Ocean to climate change | 15-GNS-012 | Dr JC Turnbull | GNS Science | ESA | $810,000 |
Can slow subduction zone deformation rapidly increase stress on nearby faults? | 15-GNS-026 | Dr BN Fry | GNS Science | ESA | $775,000 |
Super-volcanic flows: are they just all hot air? | 15-MAU-085 | Dr G Lube | Massey University | ESA | $745,000 |
Putting the Pacific Ocean to the litmus test: resolving a multi-millennial record of ocean pH from corals with the boron isotope proxy | 15-UOA-265 | Professor PS Kench | The University of Auckland | ESA | $810,000 |
Shaking magma to trigger volcanic eruptions | 15-UOC-049 | Dr BM Kennedy | University of Canterbury | ESA | $650,000 |
Predicting a sea change: Antarctic ice-ocean interactions in a warming world | 15-VUW-131 | Associate Professor NAN Bertler | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $810,000 |
Antipodean arks: settler colonial zoos in local and global contexts | 15-UOA-170 | Dr AK Boswell | The University of Auckland | HUM | $300,000 |
Managing monks: Buddhism, law and monastic control in Southern Asia | 15-UOO-154 | Dr B Schonthal | University of Otago | HUM | $300,000 |
The ethics of research on clinical data and tissue without explicit patient consent | 15-UOO-171 | Dr AJ Ballantyne | University of Otago | HUM | $300,000 |
The individual and the state in early Rome | 15-MAU-024 | Dr JH Richardson | Massey University | HUM | $320,500 |
New Zealand's civil war | 15-MAU-066 | Professor MP Belgrave | Massey University | HUM | $580,000 |
Of famines and ancestors: a history of the epigenetic revolution | 15-UOA-305 | Dr T Buklijas | The University of Auckland | HUM | $504,500 |
Cultivating chamber music in Beethoven's Vienna: a study in socio-musicology | 15-UOA-308 | Dr NR November | The University of Auckland | HUM | $580,000 |
Rethinking language change in a super-diverse city | 15-VUW-004 | Professor M Meyerhoff | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $580,000 |
Lost in space? New mathematical tools to analyse and search spaces of phylogenetic networks | 15-UOA-037 | Dr S Linz | The University of Auckland | MIS | $300,000 |
Smoothing and inference for point process data with applications to epidemiology | 15-UOO-092 | Dr TM Davies | University of Otago | MIS | $300,000 |
Distributed data-intensive service composition | 15-VUW-096 | Dr H Ma | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $300,000 |
Modern analysis and geometry | 15-MAU-037 | Professor GJ Martin | Massey University | MIS | $545,000 |
Analysis of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map on domains with nonsmooth and stochastic boundaries | 15-UOA-156 | Associate Professor AFM ter Elst | The University of Auckland | MIS | $505,000 |
Surprisingly slow dynamics in calcium models: where are the slow time scales? | 15-UOA-184 | Professor J Sneyd | The University of Auckland | MIS | $550,000 |
Robust optimisation under uncertainty with limited data | 15-UOA-341 | Professor AB Philpott | The University of Auckland | MIS | $500,000 |
Small higher-rank graphs, the structure of their operator algebras, and implications for the equilibrium states of the resulting operator-algebraic dynamical system | 15-UOO-071 | Professor IF Raeburn | University of Otago | MIS | $550,000 |
Deep learning without the headache: computationally efficient extraction of features from data with many correlated variables | 15-UOW-094 | Associate Professor E Frank | University of Waikato | MIS | $410,000 |
Genetic programming for dynamic flexible job shop scheduling | 15-VUW-044 | Professor M Zhang | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $550,000 |
Molecular metamorphosis: new synthetic methods and design | 15-MAU-154 | Dr T Fallon | Massey University | PCB | $300,000 |
Targeted, triggered and zero waste prodrug activation | 15-UOO-163 | Dr AB Gamble | University of Otago | PCB | $300,000 |
Lighting up sugars: fluorescent probes for saccharides | 15-UOA-180 | Professor PJ Brothers | The University of Auckland | PCB | $675,000 |
Stretchable polymer electronics that sticks and heals | 15-UOA-337 | Professor J Travas-Sejdic | The University of Auckland | PCB | $790,000 |
How do bacteria scavenge sialic acids from their human host? | 15-UOC-032 | Dr RCJ Dobson | University of Canterbury | PCB | $770,000 |
A dilute supersolid of polar molecules | 15-UOO-111 | Professor PB Blakie | University of Otago | PCB | $790,000 |
Hybrid quantum systems based on rare earth ion dopants | 15-UOO-247 | Dr JJ Longdell | University of Otago | PCB | $790,000 |
Synthetic sulfated saccharides in cell signalling | 15-VUW-095 | Dr PC Tyler | Victoria University of Wellington | PCB | $790,000 |
Climate change and globalisation: long-distance relationship or "double exposure"? | 15-LCR-008 | Dr NA Cradock-Henry | Landcare Research | SOC | $300,000 |
Civilian casualties, contemporary conflict and the politics of death: lessons from Afghanistan and Iraq | 15-UOA-029 | Dr TA Gregory | The University of Auckland | SOC | $300,000 |
Resettled but not reunited: refugees and transnational belonging through digital media | 15-UOA-168 | Dr JM Marlowe | The University of Auckland | SOC | $300,000 |
The influence of early-Maori and ahumoana tawhito (ancient aquaculture) on the toheroa of today | 15-UOW-013 | Dr PM Ross | University of Waikato | SOC | $300,000 |
Sport in the red zone: youth and social change in spaces of war and disaster | 15-UOW-096 | Dr HA Thorpe | University of Waikato | SOC | $300,000 |
Whanau violence: Indigenous women keeping safe in unsafe intimate relationships | 15-AUT-024 | Professor DL Wilson | Auckland University of Technology | SOC | $670,000 |
Track the black: the whakapapa of paru | 15-GNS-023 | Dr KM Rogers | GNS Science | SOC | $690,000 |
Te ao hou: transforming worlds in New Zealand 1900-1950 | 15-UOA-013 | Professor Dame Anne Salmond | The University of Auckland | SOC | $685,000 |
Rethinking the future of freshwater in Aotearoa New Zealand | 15-UOA-113 | Dr KT Fisher | The University of Auckland | SOC | $615,000 |
Transcending embedded neoliberalism in international economic regulation: options and strategies | 15-UOA-128 | Professor J Kelsey | The University of Auckland | SOC | $600,000 |
Unravelling the complexities of socio-economic position (SEP) in the elderly | 15-UOA-222 | Dr DJ Exeter | The University of Auckland | SOC | $685,000 |
How great can we be? Identity leaders of the Maori economic renaissance | 15-UOA-316 | Dr CA Houkamau | The University of Auckland | SOC | $565,000 |
Intolerable risks: the search for security in an age of anxiety | 15-VUW-001 | Professor J Pratt | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $580,000 |
The missing link: Pakeha intergenerational family memory | 15-VUW-079 | Associate Professor AE Green | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $520,000 |
You can download these results, (including AIs) as an excel spreadsheet: 2015 Awards