Marsden awards 2013

View Marsden Fund grants awarded in 2013
Project | Contract | Contact Investigator | Institution | Panel | Funding (GST excl) |
The writing is on the wall: elucidating the deep evolutionary links between cell wall synthesis in bacteria and methanogenic archaea | AGR1301 | Dr Ronimus | AgResearch | EEB | $826,087 |
Does the southern edge of the Hikurangi Plateau control Otago tectonics? | GNS1301 | Dr Reyners | GNS Science | ESA | $717,391 |
New Zealand's Stormy Past: Resolving changes in South Island precipitation under varying influence of tropical and polar forcing over the past 17,000 years | GNS1302 | Dr Levy | GNS Science | ESA | $782,609 |
Unraveling the magmatic processes responsible for phonolitic volcanism using the Mount Erebus lava lake and magmatic system | GNS1303 | Dr Hill | GNS Science | ESA | $300,000 |
Reconstructing complex ground motion effects in Christchurch during the Canterbury earthquakes: what does this mean for future ground motion prediction? | GNS1304 | Dr Kaiser | GNS Science | ESA | $300,000 |
Dipoles of Charge or Spin - what is the pairing mechanism in HTS cuprates? | IRL1301 | Dr Tallon | Callaghan Innovation | PCB | $695,652 |
Does investment into seed dispersal alter with plant height and island size? | LCR1301 | Dr Thomson | Landcare Research | EEB | $300,000 |
A radical lipid link for symbiosis | MAU1301 | Dr Eaton | Massey University | CMP | $300,000 |
UV-B radiation as a master regulator of photosynthetic performance and leaf organ development in sunlight | MAU1302 | Dr Wargent | Massey University | CMP | $300,000 |
Untangling genes and culture: sex-based song traditions in New Zealand bellbirds | MAU1303 | Prof Brunton | Massey University | EEB | $826,087 |
It takes all types: behavioural variation and the survival of New Zealand birds in human dominated landscapes | MAU1304 | Dr Parker | Massey University | EEB | $300,000 |
No Longer Lost in Recognition: Development of Novel Large-Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition Techniques | MAU1305 | Dr Wang | Massey University | EIS | $660,870 |
A multi-scale model to explore how proteins (mis)behave when other molecules are around | MAU1306 | Dr Allison | Massey University | PCB | $300,000 |
Affect and identity in contemporary television drama | MAU1307 | Dr Moewaka-Barnes | Massey University | SOC | $300,000 |
Dilution of turbulent buoyant plumes – is it all in the how you turn the tap? | NIW1301 | Assoc Prof Stevens | NIWA | EIS | $739,130 |
DAD2, a hormone receptor that hydrolyses its ligand | PAF1301 | Dr Snowden | Plant & Food Research | CMP | $765,217 |
Adaptation to life on land: How plants developed UV sunscreens | PAF1302 | Dr Davies | Plant & Food Research | CMP | $739,130 |
Searching for needles in proteomic haystacks: an innovative approach for quantifying predictive biomarkers in cancer therapy | UOA1301 | Dr Gu | The University of Auckland | BMS | $300,000 |
Identifying a zinc link in Autism Spectrum Disorders | UOA1302 | Dr Montgomery | The University of Auckland | BMS | $739,130 |
Investigation of macromolecular assembly and signalling by an antiretroviral host protein | UOA1303 | Dr Goldstone | The University of Auckland | BMS | $847,826 |
Improving radiotherapy outcomes: Chain release of drugs to kill refractory cancer cells and inhibit metastatic spread | UOA1304 | Assoc Prof Anderson | The University of Auckland | BMS | $847,826 |
Role of the extracellular matrix in regulating myelination deficits following ischemia in preterm infants | UOA1305 | Dr Dean | The University of Auckland | BMS | $300,000 |
Biological glass: The molecular and cellular determinations of the optical properties of the ocular lens | UOA1306 | Prof Donaldson | The University of Auckland | CMP | $826,087 |
Armed to deliver -Insight into the action of a microinjection nanodevice | UOA1307 | Assoc Prof Mitra | The University of Auckland | CMP | $765,217 |
Tongues, trees and Bayesian inference - towards a global language phylogeny | UOA1308 | Dr Atkinson | The University of Auckland | EEB | $847,826 |
SNPing away at genetic assimilation: does biased epigenetic mutation drive evolution? | UOA1309 | Dr Donovan | The University of Auckland | EEB | $300,000 |
Shaping cooperation: identifying how genes, experience, and socio-cognitive ability influence the development of cooperation in early childhood | UOA1310 | Dr Henderson | The University of Auckland | EHB | $300,000 |
The impact of maternal arterial remodelling on placental vascular development | UOA1311 | Dr Clark | The University of Auckland | EIS | $300,000 |
Agent-based modelling of drug and radiation action in the tumour microenvironment | UOA1312 | Dr Hicks | The University of Auckland | EIS | $773,913 |
Polymeric molecule sponges: A new generation of sorbent media with ultra-high binding affinity and selectivity | UOA1313 | Dr Han | The University of Auckland | EIS | $300,000 |
Characterising gas bubble effects on the droplet spreading process using numerical modelling | UOA1314 | Dr Tran | The University of Auckland | EIS | $300,000 |
Predicting properties of pericardium: from optics to mechanics | UOA1315 | Dr Jor | The University of Auckland | EIS | $300,000 |
A global history of the Hague Peace Conferences, 1899 - 1914 | UOA1316 | Dr Abbenhuis | The University of Auckland | HUM | $521,739 |
On the Forge: The Role of the International Judge and Arbitrator in the 21st Century | UOA1317 | Dr Foster | The University of Auckland | HUM | $391,304 |
Recreating Beijing: Public space, private pursuits and popular agency since 1949 | UOA1318 | Prof Clark | The University of Auckland | HUM | $365,217 |
Researching Ourselves: Social Surveys in New Zealand | UOA1319 | Dr Greenhalgh | The University of Auckland | HUM | $300,000 |
From Vocalism to Nominalism: The Twelfth Century Parisian Schools of Philosophy and their Logics. | UOA1320 | Assoc Prof Martin | The University of Auckland | HUM | $434,783 |
The Transformation of Everyday Life in Samoa (1800-2000) | UOA1321 | Assoc Prof Salesa | The University of Auckland | HUM | $478,261 |
New directions at the geometry-analysis frontier | UOA1322 | Prof Gover | The University of Auckland | MIS | $434,783 |
Group actions, structure and representations | UOA1323 | Prof Conder | The University of Auckland | MIS | $417,391 |
A unified framework for phylodynamic inference of infectious diseases | UOA1324 | Prof Drummond | The University of Auckland | MIS | $521,739 |
Free Analysis and Convexity | UOA1325 | Dr Klep | The University of Auckland | MIS | $300,000 |
Scaling limits and super-Brownian motion | UOA1326 | Dr Holmes | The University of Auckland | MIS | $347,826 |
Randomness, analysis, and reverse mathematics | UOA1327 | Prof Nies | The University of Auckland | MIS | $521,739 |
New Directions in the Quantum Theory of Photo-Emissive Sources | UOA1328 | Prof Carmichael | The University of Auckland | PCB | $695,652 |
Controlling Optical Rogue Waves | UOA1329 | Assoc Prof Broderick | The University of Auckland | PCB | $730,435 |
Anderson localisation of matter waves in programmable potentials | UOA1330 | Dr Hoogerland | The University of Auckland | PCB | $608,696 |
Microresonator frequency combs: Fiber-optic physics to the rescue | UOA1331 | Dr Erkintalo | The University of Auckland | PCB | $300,000 |
Raw log exports from Tauranga: are they a necessary consequence of New Zealand's position at the end of the world's supply chain? | UOA1332 | Prof Olsen | The University of Auckland | SOC | $778,261 |
Is New Zealand betting on the wrong horse in the international innovation race? The importance of market innovations for small open economies | UOA1333 | Prof Storbacka | The University of Auckland | SOC | $673,913 |
Touchy-feely justice or veiled retribution? An ethnography of therapeutic jurisprudence in New Zealand problem-solving courts | UOA1334 | Dr Thom | The University of Auckland | SOC | $300,000 |
The Crown: Perspectives on a Contested Symbol and its Constitutional Significance in New Zealand and the Commonwealth | UOA1335 | Prof Shore | The University of Auckland | SOC | $604,348 |
The strategies by which miniature predators use highly structured working memory | UOC1301 | Prof Jackson | University of Canterbury | EEB | $826,087 |
A friend of my friend is my friend - testing how habitat cascades increase ecosystem function and biodiversity | UOC1302 | Dr Thomsen | University of Canterbury | EEB | $695,652 |
Understanding how listeners comprehend distorted speech | UOC1303 | Assoc Prof McAuliffe | University of Canterbury | EHB | $543,478 |
"Time Slows Down Whenever You're Around": The Evolutionary Psychology of Timing and Perceived Attractiveness | UOC1304 | Dr Arantes | University of Canterbury | EHB | $300,000 |
The Physics of Molecular Delivery by Electroporation of the Stratum Corneum: Local Transport Region Initiation and Evolution | UOC1305 | Dr Becker | University of Canterbury | EIS | $300,000 |
Imaging fibrous biomolecules with x-ray free-electron lasers | UOC1306 | Prof Millane | University of Canterbury | EIS | $773,913 |
Graphene supercapacitors: transforming energy storage solutions | UOC1307 | Prof Downard | University of Canterbury | EIS | $739,130 |
A liquefiable bowl of jelly: Understanding the seismic response of a soft and saturated sedimentary basin in the Canterbury earthquakes | UOC1308 | Dr Bradley | University of Canterbury | ESA | $300,000 |
Recency effects in spoken New Zealand English | UOC1309 | Dr Clark | University of Canterbury | HUM | $300,000 |
Selling New China to New Zealand: Rewi Alley and the Art of Museum Diplomacy | UOC1310 | Dr Bullen | University of Canterbury | HUM | $434,783 |
Rational design of next-generation photovoltaics & molecular electronics | UOC1311 | Dr Crittenden | University of Canterbury | PCB | $300,000 |
Role of host cell polarized exocytosis in spread of bacterial pathogens | UOO1301 | Dr Ireton | University of Otago | BMS | $760,870 |
Pumping lysine to achieve metabolic homeostasis during infection | UOO1302 | Prof Cook | University of Otago | BMS | $847,826 |
Identifying the mechanisms by which CaMKII regulates cellular signalling in the diabetic heart | UOO1303 | Dr Erickson | University of Otago | BMS | $300,000 |
Tying Knots in Proteins with Chlorine Bleach: Novel post-translational modifications catalyzed by mammalian peroxidases | UOO1304 | Prof Kettle | University of Otago | BMS | $847,826 |
Fungal drug resistance – not as simple as A-B-C | UOO1305 | Prof Cannon | University of Otago | CMP | $773,913 |
BAFfled: how does orf virus defeat the BAF cellular defence mechanism? | UOO1306 | Prof Mercer | University of Otago | CMP | $800,000 |
In the cradle of the double helix: a novel proposal for the origin of life | UOO1307 | Dr Bernhardt | University of Otago | EEB | $300,000 |
Ladies before gentlemen – investigating the molecular basis of female to male sex change in sequentially hermaphroditic fish | UOO1308 | Prof Gemmell | University of Otago | EEB | $826,087 |
You can't go home again: forensic evidence for changes in ecosystem function following mainland extinction of pinnipeds | UOO1309 | Dr Jack | University of Otago | EEB | $300,000 |
Does language syntax mirror the structure of sensorimotor cognition? | UOO1310 | Assoc Prof Knott | University of Otago | EHB | $652,174 |
Maximising success in a new land: the role of Wairau Bar in the systematic colonisation of New Zealand by Polynesians | UOO1311 | Prof Walter | University of Otago | EHB | $773,913 |
The causal role of religious belief in managing death anxiety and intergroup discrimination | UOO1312 | Prof Halberstadt | University of Otago | EHB | $652,174 |
Gold growth in situ: nanoparticles to nuggets | UOO1313 | Prof Craw | University of Otago | ESA | $630,435 |
Global ocean anoxia during ancient 'greenhouse' climates: Prospects for a warming world | UOO1314 | Dr Stirling | University of Otago | ESA | $739,130 |
Windows onto warmer worlds: sea ice, nutrient utilization, and primary production on the Wilkes Land margin, Antarctica | UOO1315 | Dr Riesselman | University of Otago | ESA | $300,000 |
Between Local and Global: A World History of Bluff | UOO1316 | Dr Stevens | University of Otago | HUM | $300,000 |
Global Romantics: How the Porter Family Changed Nineteenth-Century Art and Literature | UOO1317 | Dr McLean | University of Otago | HUM | $391,304 |
Designer spin crossover: towards nanoswitches, sensors and displays | UOO1318 | Prof Brooker | University of Otago | PCB | $739,130 |
Bioluminescent Microcrystals from the Firefly Squid | UOO1319 | Dr Sharpe | University of Otago | PCB | $300,000 |
Controlling the microscopic world: Few-atom quantum dynamics | UOO1320 | Dr Andersen | University of Otago | PCB | $717,391 |
Entrepreneurial Networking and Foreign Market Entry Decision Making | UOO1321 | Prof Chetty | University of Otago | SOC | $773,913 |
Colonisation impacts and the decoupling of human cultural and ecological systems | UOO1322 | Dr Wehi | University of Otago | SOC | $300,000 |
The Evolution of Biosynthetic Pathways and Metabolism | UOW1301 | Professor Arcus | The University of Waikato | PCB | $739,130 |
The sub-national mechanisms of the ending of population growth. Towards a theory of depopulation | UOW1302 | Prof Jackson | The University of Waikato | SOC | $747,826 |
Children visiting a museum: information gathering or creative capacity building? | UOW1303 | Prof Carr | The University of Waikato | SOC | $778,261 |
What makes a good egg? | VUW1301 | Dr Pitman | Victoria University of Wellington | CMP | $756,522 |
Using interaction networks to explain invasion success and community dominance: wasps in an old and new world | VUW1302 | Prof Lester | Victoria University of Wellington | EEB | $826,087 |
Making a rod for our own backs: Do human actions select for traits that promote invasiveness in animals? | VUW1303 | Dr Gruber | Victoria University of Wellington | EEB | $300,000 |
The evolution of intelligence: evaluating the heritability and fitness consequences of cognition in wild North Island robins | VUW1304 | Dr Shaw | Victoria University of Wellington | EEB | $300,000 |
A novel system for sympatric speciation: a species flock of green algae from ancient Lake Baikal | VUW1305 | Dr Boedeker | Victoria University of Wellington | EEB | $300,000 |
Modeling the Extensive and Intensive Margins in Earnings Dynamics | VUW1306 | Prof Hyslop | Victoria University of Wellington | EHB | $608,696 |
Controlling Emotional Distraction: Testing the Asymmetric Inhibition Model | VUW1307 | Dr Grimshaw | Victoria University of Wellington | EHB | $652,174 |
How is overgeneral memory related to the development of psychopathology in young people? | VUW1308 | Assoc Prof Salmon | Victoria University of Wellington | EHB | $652,174 |
Semiconductor-based spintronics: can rare-earth nitrides and group III-nitrides get it together? | VUW1309 | Dr Natali | Victoria University of Wellington | EIS | $782,609 |
Using the world's most rapidly slipping normal fault to understand the mechanics of low-angle normal faults and the dynamics of continental extension | VUW1310 | Prof Little | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $739,130 |
Can ice sheets help themselves? Investigating self-stabilization and instability in Antarctica | VUW1311 | Dr Horgan | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $300,000 |
Locked and loaded? Effects of deep seismic and aseismic deformation on Alpine Fault earthquakes | VUW1312 | Assoc Prof Townend | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $717,391 |
Drilling back to the Pliocene in search of Earth's future high-tide | VUW1313 | Prof Naish | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $782,609 |
Improving ice core records - Understanding the link between rapid changes of greenhouse gases and temperature | VUW1314 | Dr Dadic | Victoria University of Wellington | ESA | $300,000 |
NZ Bill of Rights Act under the Microscope | VUW1315 | Prof Geiringer | Victoria University of Wellington | HUM | $504,348 |
Matroid Minors | VUW1316 | Prof Whittle | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $521,739 |
Computability Theory in the Constructible Universe | VUW1317 | Dr Day | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $300,000 |
CAPE: Making Capability Policies Explicit | VUW1318 | Prof Noble | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $521,739 |
Model theoretic techniques in Banach spaces and combinatorics | VUW1319 | Dr Usvyatsov | Victoria University of Wellington | MIS | $300,000 |
Territorial Disputes and Civil Society in Northeast Asian Democracies | VUW1320 | Dr Bukh | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $300,000 |
The Social Consequences of Spirituality and Religion: A Twenty Year Longitudinal Study | VUW1321 | Dr Bulbulia | Victoria University of Wellington | SOC | $769,565 |