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Petera Whaiao Hudson: Breaking the Wall of Western-dominated AI 

The over-representation of Māori exhibited in poor statistical rates is now evolving in imperial-dominated algorithms and is proving to amplify biased stereotypes in AI systems. We sought to identify mātauranga and tikanga Māori that have the potential to inform next-generation AI systems, which promote cultural well-being for our whānau and their futures.

Petera is pursuing a PhD with Te Pūtahi a Toi, School of Māori Knowledge, Massey University. He is also a Research Assistant for the Tikanga in Technology programme housed at University of Waikato. Petera also had an internship with the Ātea Project researching Māori IT artefacts and AI related development in AI-biased systems. Petera is now researching with the Indigenous Protocol
and Artificial Intelligence Working Group developing new conceptual and practical approaches to building the next generation of AI systems.