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Nikki Barrett: Breaking the Wall of Childbirth Education 

Hapū Wānanga, a Māori childbirth education class, is the catalyst for positive birthing and parenting experiences, yielding economic, health, social, and cultural benefits for mothers, babies, and wider society. By integrating traditional Māori birthing knowledge with Western medicine, Hapū Wānanga has significantly boosted attendance rates. Participants enthusiastically endorse and promote the programme for all expectant parents.

Nikki (Ngāti Hauā, Ngāti Porou) is a postdoctoral fellow at Te Ngira: Institute of Population Research, University of Waikato, with extensive expertise in Kaupapa Māori research and evaluation, strategic health policy, and leadership. She was awarded the 2022 Fulbright-Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga Graduate Award for her work on revitalising Indigenous birthing practices. Nikki has held senior roles in project management and leadership, managed Māori health portfolios, and authored several government reports.