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Mamehgol Yousefidashliboroun: Breaking the Wall of Agriculture Systems

We envision future farm assistants/advisors to support efficient and sustainable agricultural practices. Our goal is to design an intelligent interface, able to process information and support decision-making with intuitive, natural language explanations. We are developing an agentic workflow to be used as an information source or decision support system, enhancing the farmer’s decision-making process and seamlessly integrating with it.

Mamehgol works with AgResearch, researching how design can improve user acceptance and digital technology adoption. She has a strong background in Agricultural Mechanisation with interdisciplinary expertise in smart interactions, and product design.

Passionate about transforming ideas into innovative products that enhance farmer interactions with digital tools, she holds a PhD in Agricultural Mechanisation and an MSc in Design and Innovation Engineering from Universiti Putra, Malaysia. Currently, she is pursuing a second PhD in Product Design at the University of Canterbury.