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Honoraria for Catalyst Seeding and Leaders reviewers

Claiming honorarium for Catalyst Seeding and Leaders review activities.

From 01 July 2023, Royal Society Te Apārangi (the Society) can start to acknowledge Catalyst Seeding and Catalyst Leaders review activities deemed to take a day or more to complete by paying reviewers a honorarium of $200 per round reviewed. We will email all eligible reviewers a reminder of this at the completion of the review.

There are 2 ways to claim the honorarium:

1.      Through your institution

2.      For yourself

1.      Claiming the honorarium through your institution

Your institution needs to send an invoice to the Royal Society Te Apārangi’s International applications email address international.applications@royalsociety.org.nz for $200 plus GST. The total claimed on the invoice is $230 GST inclusive.

The invoice needs to be at the Society within 1 month of the deadline for submitting scores in the given Catalyst Seeding call. Please ensure the invoice has your name on it for reference purposes, and that it shows clearly that you are claiming the money for review activities for Catalyst Seeding or Leaders.

2.      Claiming the honorarium for yourself

You need to fill in the Society expense claim form and an IR330C tax code declaration form if the Society does not have your IRD number.  The expense claim form and the IR330C need to be returned to the international.applications@royalsociety.org.nz email within 1 month of the deadline for submitting scores in the given Catalyst Seeding call.  On the claim form you will claim $200. The honorarium paid to you by the Society will be paid directly into your bank account for an amount which is net of withholding tax.

Please download the forms from below:

When filling out the expense claim form, fill out the following information:

Your name:

Date of meeting: Please use the date of the the reviewer briefing meeting (for Seeding) or the virtual panel meeting (for Leaders). If none of these apply to you, use the date you completed the review activities.

Meeting Details: please write the name of the Catalyst call you are reviewing for, e.g. "Review for Catalyst Seeding July 2023"

Other ie Honorarium: The honorarium is $200

Please fill out your name, address, email, phone number, bank account number, account name and sign.

In addition, we also require 'confirmation of bank account' which should contain; your bank logo, the name of your bank account and bank account number.


Filling in the IR330C: You need to fill in sections 1, 2, and 3. In section 2 you work out the tax rate, the standard rate for Honoraria is 33.3% and the activity number for Honoraria is 16 and the code is WT.

If you have any questions about whether the Society already have your IRD number, please contact the Executive Assistant – Research Funding Shireen Paeper (shireen.paeper@royalsociety.org.nz) about this.