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Recipients April 2024

Catalyst: Seeding
Funding round overview

Programme Number of received proposals Number of funded proposals
General  62  16
Dumont d'Urville  15  TBC
Total  77  


Catalyst: Seeding General

New Zealand PI Institution Project Funding Months Collaboration Partners Collaborator Institutions Countries
Dr Leonardo Zamora Cawthron Institute Molecular endocrinology applied to assist reproduction of culturally and commercially valued marine invertebrate species 80,000 24 Professor Cummins University of the Sunshine Coast AUSTRALIA
Associate Professor Susanne Roehr Massey University Strategising research on population-level dementia risk reduction approaches in Aotearoa New Zealand and internationally 80,000 24 Dr SJ Walsh, Dr E Ma'u, Professor K Anstey University of Cambridge, University of Auckland, UNSW Sydney UNITED KINGDOM, AUSTRALIA
Dr Chris Tanner National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd Predicting the catchment-scale impacts of constructed wetlands on stream water quality 80,000 24 Associate Professor Wu and Dr Bieger, Mr Gertz Aarhus University, SEGES Innovation P/S DENMARK
Dr Jing Yang National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd Hydrological forecasting for sustainable water management 80,000 24 Professor Oki The University of Tokyo JAPAN
Dr Paul Franklin National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd Cross-Tasman excellence in fish passage and screening research and practice 80,000 24 Professor Baumgartner, Dr Boys, Mr Marsden Charles Sturt University , New South Wales Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development , Australasian Fish Passage Services AUSTRALIA
Dr Gonzalo Avila Plant and Food Research Developing New Zealand’s climate-resilient integrated pest management strategy against fall armyworm 80,000 24 Dr Murúa, Dr Valicente Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Technologia (CONICET) (National Council of Science and Technology), Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) ARGENTINA, BRAZIL
Dr Don White Scion Research Phenotyping the physiology of forests 79000 24 Professor C Coops, Professor Cao The University of British Columbia, College of Forestry and Grassland, College of Soil and Water Conservation, Nanjing Forestry Universi CANADA, CHINA
Associate Professor Brendon Dunphy University of Auckland Marine heatwave impacts on large marine predators: using biologging and energetics to develop bespoke conservation responses. 80,000 24 Associate Professor H Elliott McGill University CANADA
Professor Jonathan Sperry University of Auckland Chestnut-derived tannins as high-value catalysts 80,000 24 Professor Urban Bren University of Maribor SLOVENIA
Dr Ziyun Wang University of Auckland Catalyst design for selective electrochemical C-H halogenation at industry current density 80,000 24 Dr Lum, Dr Leow National University of Singapore, Agency for Science, Technology and Research SINGAPORE
Associate Professor Michael Hay University of Auckland Canine radiation oncology trials to enable cancer drug development 49,000 24 Associate Professor Boss Colorado State University USA
Dr Mengmeng Ge University of Canterbury Automated Cybersecurity Assessment Platform as a Service 60,000 24 Professor M Ali Babar The University of Adelaide AUSTRALIA
Dr Matthew Hughes University of Canterbury Empowering Indigenous communities for deep-time landscape management 80,000 24 Associate Professor Tomko The University of Melbourne AUSTRALIA
Associate Professor Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani University of Canterbury Traffic demand management for more livable cities: Tradable Mobility Credits vs. Congestion Pricing 80,000 24 Professor Dr Leclercq, Professor Dr Bogenberger University Gustave Eiffel, Technical University of Munich FRANCE, GERMANY
Dr Indranil Basak University of Otago Mini brains in Parkinson's disease: mid-brain organoids to understand the pathology 80,000 24 Professor Matute Achucarro Basque Centre for Neuroscience SPAIN
Associate Professor Harald Schwefel University of Otago Electro-optic mid infrared frequency combs for ultra stable spectroscopy 80,000 24 Professor Schwarz TU Wien AUSTRIA