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Using the NZ ORCID Hub

The Hub has a simple user interface and can be used to read from/write information to ORCID records.

Who can use the Hub?

Each consortium member's technical contact can use the Hub to get API credentials from ORCID.
The technical contact and/or your organisation's Hub administrator (if appointed) can use the Hub to read from and write information to your staff/students' ORCID records - with the record holder's permission.
Staff and students at onboarded organisations can use the Hub to give permission for information to be written to /read from their ORCID records - or create an ORCID record if they don't already have one.

Onboarding your organisation to the Hub - technical contacts

Each NZ consortium member organisation's ORCID technical contact person  must go through an onboarding and testing stage using sandbox ORCID iDs and the Test NZ ORCID Hub before using the production Hub and 'real' ORCID iDs. Onboarding involves requesting API credentials from ORCID - support for this can be found in our API Credential Request Support document.

Test Hub - guide to onboarding

Production Hub - guide to onboarding


ORCID communication examples

Before you begin requesting permission from your staff/students to access their ORCID records you should undertake a communications campaign. If you want assistance with creating pens, bookmarks or other ORCID branded giveaways, contact us. You can use the followng email examples and tailor them to your specific organisation:

Exemplar emails - use these to tell your staff/students that you plan to use the Hub to read from/write to their ORCID records.

a. Members using Tuakiri to write employment affiliations sample email TK-sample-email-employment-permission-request-and-hub-instructions-v2.0May2018.pdf

b. Members using Tuakiri to write education affiliations sample email TK-sample-email-education-permission-request-and-hub-instructions-v2.0May2018.pdf

c. Members using file upload method to write employment affiliations sample email (use before sending emails generated by the Hub) File-upload-message-employment-pre-Hub-email-v1.0May2018.pdf

d. Members using file upload method to write education affiliations sample email (use before sending emails generated by the Hub) File-upload-message-education-pre-hub-email-v1.0May2018.pdf

Using the Hub to read from/write to ORCID records

 The Hub is able to write to all sections of the ORCID record afforded by ORCID’s API 3.0:

  • Affiliations: education, employment, invited positions, distinctions, membership, service
  • Researcher properties: websites, keywords, countries, other names, other IDs
  • Funding
  • Works
  • Research Resources
  • Peer-review

Hub user guides

If using Excel to create csv or tsv files for upload be aware that it will corrupt any unicode such as letters with macrons or other diacritics. Saving as tsv format is recommended if you are creating files using Excel. Save As  “Unicode Text (*.txt)” and then manually rename the file’s suffix to “tsv”. Note that in Windows you may need to set up your system to show any hidden file extensions.
To do this go to the Windows startup button (bottom left of your screen), type the words: folder options, into the search box; a pop-up will appear on screen. Click the 'view' tab and uncheck the box 'Hide extensions for known file types'. You will see that your saved file was actually named as xxxx.tsv.txt. Edit to remove the .txt ending before uploading to the Hub.

1. Guide to writing affiliation information to ORCID records using the Hub

A step by step guide to using the Hub for writing affiliations to ORCID records:

Hub user guide to writing affiliations version1.0 Jan 2020

Sample files for uploading affiliations to the Hub

sample files

These sample files show how information should be presented to write detailed affiliations to ORCID records using the Hub.

2. Guide to writing works to ORCID records using the Hub

A step by step guide to using the Hub for writing works to ORCID records:

Hub user guide to writing works version 1.1 Jan 2020

Sample files for uploading works to the Hub

sample files

These sample files show how information should be presented to write works to ORCID records using the Hub.

3. Guide to writing funding information to ORCID records using the Hub

A step by step guide to using the Hub for writing funding to ORCID records:

Hub user guide to writing funding version 1.0 Jan 2020

Sample files for uploading funding to the Hub

sample files

These sample files show how information should be presented to write funding to ORCID records using the Hub.

4. Guide to writing researcher properties to ORCID records using the Hub

A step by step guide to using the Hub for writing researcher properties to ORCID records:

Hub user guide to writing properties version 1.0 Feb2020

Sample files for uploading researcher properties to the Hub

sample files

These sample files show how information should be presented to write researcher properties to ORCID records using the Hub.

5. Guide to writing researcher other IDs to ORCID records using the Hub

A step by step guide to using the Hub for writing researcher other IDs to ORCID records:

Hub user guide to writing other researcher IDs version 1.0 Jun 2020

Sample files for uploading researcher other IDs to the Hub

sample files

5. Guide to writing research resources to ORCID records using the Hub

A step by step guide to using the Hub for writing research resources to ORCID records.


Sample files for uploading research resources to the Hub

sample files