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Published 26 February 2021

JRSNZ Special issue call for papers: Longitudinal Research in Aotearoa New Zealand

This special issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand invites submissions with a focus on health and medical longitudinal research.

The Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand is calling for papers for a 2022 Special Issue entitled Longitudinal Research in Aotearoa New Zealand.

The Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand wishes to bring together research from New Zealand’s health and medical longitudinal research community in a special issue of our Journal. The issue aims to highlight key past findings and the latest evidence as well as to consider the past impact and future implications of longitudinal research in supporting policy-making decisions, clinical practice, and pure research. The Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand, therefore, invites scholars to submit manuscripts for a special issue, dedicated to longitudinal research in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Submissions should be based on longitudinal research and may consider issues relating to health and wellbeing, human development, sociology, ageing, and beyond. In order to capture evidence from across the broad New Zealand longitudinal research landscape, we invite submissions from landmark New Zealand life course studies as well as from new and emerging longitudinal studies. We seek a mix of quality manuscripts: these may include original research and review manuscripts on key topics of interest. We encourage submissions from studies utilising a range of longitudinal methodologies, including kaupapa Māori research.

Submission information

Photo by Benjamin Smith on Unsplash

Photo by Benjamin Smith on Unsplash

The anticipated date of publication is June 2022 and the anticipated manuscript submission deadline is 31 October 2021. Please email a preliminary title, list of potential authors and a short descriptive paragraph outlining the scope of your proposed manuscript by 16 April 2021 to the guest editors Dr. Amy Osborne (University of Canterbury) at <amy.osborne@canterbury.ac.nz> and Associate Professor Jonathan Broadbent (University of Otago) at <jonathan.broadbent@otago.ac.nz>.

The guest editors will make a decision on which manuscripts to invite for the Special Issue. Authors will be notified by 31 April 2021. Note that an invitation to submit does not guarantee acceptance for publication; this will depend on the outcome of the peer-review process and authors meeting critical time schedules. Please direct queries to the Guest Editors or to the Publishing Team of Royal Society Te Apārangi at <publish@royalsociety.org.nz>.

Source: Royal Society Te Apārangi