Published 1 June 2023New Zealand – China Scientist Exchange Programme visit

We had a visit this week from China's Minister of Science and Technology, the Honourable Dr Zhigang Wang and a delegation of Director General and Programe Officers from the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) to talk through Royal Society Te Apārangi’s role in the New Zealand – China Scientist Exchange Programme cooperation.
The delegation was visiting Aotearoa New Zealand for the 6th NZ-China Joint Committee Meeting (JCM) on Science and Technology.

GU Min, LYU Jia, ATKINS Paul, The Honourable Dr WANG Zhigang, His Excellency, Dr WANG Xiaolong, DAI Gang, CAO Ning, NING Bolun, ZHANG Lengyang
In February 2009 the New Zealand Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (now the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment) and the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) signed an arrangement to encourage and facilitate greater understanding and development of research linkages between New Zealand and China.
The objectives of the scientific exchange programme are to encourage and facilitate greater understanding and development of research linkages between early to mid-career researchers of the two countries in jointly-agreed priority research fields for collaboration.
In October this year, 10 excellent Aotearoa New Zealand researchers will visit mainland China and collaborate with researchers for 4-6 weeks, commencing with an orientation ceremony in Beijing with support from the Catalyst: Leaders fund.