Published 6 May 2021JRSNZ Special issue call for papers: Evolutionary Biogeography of Aotearoa New Zealand

“… explain New Zealand and the world falls into place around it.”
(Nelson, 1975)
This special issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand invites submissions with a focus on evolutionary approaches to understanding the biogeography of Aotearoa.
New Zealand has a special place in world biogeography, posing many intriguing questions that are being addressed by an active research community. Recent advances have been fuelled by extensive fossil and subfossil discoveries as well as application of new technologies as disparate as ancient DNA and GIS. This Special Issue seeks to bring together findings across a range of questions concerning the evolutionary biogeography of Aotearoa.
We invite submissions that synthesise a range of research on any topic in New Zealand evolutionary (i.e. historical) biogeography. Potential topics may include (but are not limited to) the following: origins of our flora and fauna, vicariance and dispersal, tectonic effects, effects of sea-level change, effects of glaciation, evolution on islands, alpine radiations, climate change (historical and present), subantarctic influences, phylogeographic pattern (terrestrial, fluvial, marine), adaptation, speciation, te ao Māori worldview representations, complementarity of mātauranga Māori and western science, indigenous biogeographical knowledge.
Submissions concerning theoretical or analytical approaches are also welcome, as long as they can be cast in a New Zealand light. Papers should focus on questions and processes rather than on specific taxa.

Flatworm, Artioposthia australis, Rock & Pillar Range, Otago
Submission information
Please email a preliminary title, list of potential authors and a short descriptive paragraph outlining the scope of your proposed manuscript by 30 June 2021 to the Guest Editors Professor Graham Wallis ( and Professor Thomas Buckley ( The guest editors will make a decision on which manuscripts to invite for the Special Issue. Authors will be notified by 15 July 2021. Note that an invitation to submit does not guarantee acceptance for publication, which will depend on the outcome of the usual peer-review process and authors meeting critical time schedules.
The anticipated manuscript submission deadline is 31 January 2022 with the aim of getting the Special Issue formally published late 2022. Individual articles will be published online with a DOI before appearing in the compiled special issue.
See Taylor & Francis Online for author instructions on submitting articles to Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Please direct queries to the Guest Editors or to the Publishing Team of Royal Society Te Apārangi at