Published 18 December 2024Frontiers Planet Prize national winners announced

As the National Representative Body for the Frontiers Planet Prize in Aotearoa New Zealand, the Royal Society Te Apārangi has selected three national winners to be put forward to the international Frontiers Prize jury.
The national winners are:
- Professor Elizabeth Macpherson of Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury for the paper 'Setting a pluralist agenda for water governance: Why power and scale matter'
- Dr Daniel Lowry of GNS Science for the paper 'Ocean cavity regime shift reversed West Antarctic grounding line retreat in the late Holocene'
- Dr Sebastian Steibl of Waipapa Taumata Rau The University of Auckland for the paper 'Rethinking atoll futures: local resilience to global challenges'.
The Society has partnered with the Frontiers Research Foundation, based in Switzerland, as part of an international effort to accelerate scientific solutions to planetary challenges. In 2022, the Foundation established the Frontiers Planet Prize, with the ambition of mobilising scientists to address the ongoing global environmental crisis.
The prize is based on the nine planetary boundaries detailed by Professor Johan Rockström and described in the book Breaking Boundaries.
Find out more about the Frontiers Planet Prize.