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Published 27 March 2025

Call for nominations for ISC standing committees

Opportunity to be nominated as a member of the International Science Council standing committees.

Royal Society Te Apārangi, as the New Zealand representative to the International Science Council (ISC), is calling for expressions of interest for nominations to ISC’s standing committees as below:

  • Committee for Finance, Compliance and Risk
  • Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science
  • Committee for Membership

Standing committees are set up to provide guidance to the ISC Governing Board on key domains of the ISC’s work and responsibilities. Certain bodies are statutory, and others are established at the initiative of the Governing Board.

Committee members are appointed by ISC’s Governing Board on the basis of nominations from ISC members.


Common criteria for selection of members of the Standing Committees

Committee members will be selected on the basis of expertise, experience and motivation, as well as the capacity to dedicate significant time to the role. This entails attendance at meetings of the committees (maximum one in-person meeting and up to four virtual meetings per year) as well as active engagement in committee responsibilities. The committees will conduct their work mostly by virtual means.


How to apply

Candidates wishing to be put forward for nomination, please complete and return the ISC Online nomination form – which requires, amongst other details, a short bio, a short statement of motivation for the role, including commitment to attend meetings and devote time to the role (150–250 words).

Also include:

  • Notification of which committee you are applying to
  • A copy of your short CV

Please email this information to International.Unions@royalsociety.org.nz


Nomination process

Royal Society Te Apārangi may nominate one candidate for each standing committee. Submissions will be considered by the Society’s Academy Executive Committee.


Closing date

The closing date for Expressions of Interest to the Society: 14 Paenga-whāwhā April 2025


More information

View more information from the International Science Council: Call for nominations: ISC Standing Committees

Source: Royal Society Te Apārangi