Published 1 February 20182018 Applications open for Science Teaching Leadership Programme

Applications open for next round of Science Teaching Leadership Programme.
Applications are now open for the next round of the Science Teaching Leadership Programme (STLP) to start term 3 2018, term 1 2019 or term 3 2019 (the latter date is subject to government funding). If you know of any schools who may be interested in applying or would like further information please visit our webpage.
What is the Science Teaching Leadership Programme?
The programme started in 2015 and builds on from the Teacher Fellowship Scheme which ran for 20 years. In the STLP, participant schools select a teacher to spend 6 months with a host science research organisation to experience real science in action. Participant teachers take part in professional development workshops to help connect their scientific experiences with the New Zealand curriculum – specifically the Nature of Science strand. They also attend a leadership course to give them the tools to be able to lead a focus on science at their school once they return for 12 – 18 months. The programme is funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment’s ‘A Nation of Curious Minds’ fund and encourages New Zealanders to be responsible citizens.
We are also always on the lookout for science research organisations to host our participant teachers so if you think you may be interested please get in touch with Jenn or Janine on 04 470 5763 or email
Applications close Thursday 22 March.