Tā te heamana | Message from Professor Nancy November FRSNZ Academy Executive Committee Domain Convenor – Humanities

Professor Nancy November FRSNZ shares her foreword as Academy Executive Committee Domain Convenor – Humanities.
Tēnā koutou,
Since December, the Academy Executive Committee has been actively engaged in several initiatives that reflect our commitment to excellence and collaborative practice. Internationally, we have taken significant steps in Indigenous engagement by collaborating with the Royal Society of Canada and the Australian Academy of Science to launch a Trilateral Partnership on Indigenous Engagement. This collaboration fosters cross-cultural dialogue, shares best practices, and supports Indigenous research communities across borders.
In addition, we are in advanced discussions with the Australian Academy of the Humanities and the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities about hosting a pre‐symposium conference in Sydney on 12 November this year. The conference will address issues of decolonisation and will be open to our fellows and those of our partner academies. This event will be followed by the AAH's symposium, “The Humanities & Creative Practice”, which will take place from 13–14 November 2025 at the University of Technology Sydney.
Domestically, our University Advisory Group Phase 3 Response, submitted on 18 December 2024, has offered recommendations to strengthen the New Zealand research environment. The submission outlines measures to minimise compliance costs while maximising the benefits of a revised Performance-Based Research Fund. It also calls for agile and responsive Centres of Research Excellence. It underscores the essential role of the university sector’s third mission in contributing to social, environmental, cultural, and economic outcomes.
This year's Fellowship election took place on 12 and 13 February. The results will be announced soon, and we are looking forward to welcoming new perspectives that will help shape our future endeavours.
Ngā mihi,
Nancy November
AEC Domain Convenor - Humanities