2019 Academy Centenary | Symposium: Inclusive excellence
Fri 15 Feb Symposium to explore how to better measure te hiranga excellence across multiple disciplines.

Tēnā koe
In 2019 we are celebrating he kotahi rau one hundred years of electing Fellows to the Academy of Royal Society Te Apārangi for their outstanding distinction in rangahau research and scholarship.
We invite you to attend our special symposium with the theme of 'inclusive excellence' that will explore how we can better measure te hiranga excellence across multiple disciplines so that we can contine to build diversity in our Academy.
Drawing from our traditional roots of being the first organisation in Aotearoa New Zealand to publish research findings, publication record has been the primary way that distinction in research has been evaluated for our Fellows.
However, our Academy seeks to become more representative and inclusive across the New Zealand research, scholarly and innovation communities. We recognise that publication record alone is likely not the best way of evaluating research distinction. We need a better understanding of how to evaluate contributions and achievements from a range or researchers, scholars and innovators working in many fields — humanities, science including social sciences, medicine, engineering, technology, law and mātauranga Māori — and working and in many contexts — academic, Crown Research or public institutions, corporate organisations or working independently.
Join with us to explore new ways of evaluating excellence in rangahau research and scholraship across these broad topics and different work contexts.
2019 Academy Centenary Symposium programme
8:45am |
Mihi and Karakia |
8:50am |
Opening remarks Chair of the Academy, Professor Richard Blaikie FRSNZ
9:00am |
Keynote address on indigenous research Professor Linda Smith FRSNZ (University of Waikato)
9:30am |
Panel discussion on indigenous research Chair: Professor Angus Macfarlane FRSNZ (University of Canterbury) Panellists: Associate Professor Melinda Webber (University of Auckland) Professor Rawinia Higgins (Victoria University of Wellington) Professor Poia Rewi (University of Otago) Professor Meihana Durie (Massey University) |
10:30am |
Kai paramanawa morning tea
11:00am |
Keynote address on impact and advancement Dr Hugh Bradlow FTSE (President, Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering) |
11:30am |
Panel discussion on impact and advancement Chair: Dr Prue Williams, Hīkana Whakatutuki (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) Panellists: Professor Merryn Tawhai FRSNZ (University of Auckland) Dr Gradon Diprose, (Landcare Manaaki Whenua) Professor Paul Spoonley FRSNZ (Massey University) Professor Richie Poulton FRSNZ (University of Otago)
12:30pm |
Kai a te rānui lunch
1:15pm |
Keynote address on interdisciplinary research Professor Dame Anne Glover FRSE (President, Royal Society of Edinburgh)
1:45pm |
Panel discussion on interdisciplinary research Chair: Dr Keith McLea, (Chief Executive, ESR) Panellists: Professor Geoff Chase FRSNZ (University of Canterbury) Professor Sally Davenport (Victoria University of Wellington) Dr Caroline Orchiston (University of Otago) Professor Paul Millar (University of Canterbury) |
2:45pm |
Kai paramanawa afternoon tea
3:15pm |
Keynote address on research that informs clinical and professional practice Professor Jane Harding FRSNZ (University of Auckland)
3:45pm |
Panel discussion on research that informs clinical and professional practice
Chair: Professor Kath McPherson (Chief Executive, Health Research Council of New Zealand) Panellists: Associate Professor Claire Charters (University of Auckland) Dr Irene Braithwaite (Medical Research Institute of New Zealand) Associate Professor Charles Clifton, (University of Auckland) Dr Lisa Te Morenga FRSNZ (Victoria University of Wellington)
4:45pm |
Ngā kōrero whakamutunga Closing remarks President, Professor Wendy Larner FRSNZ |
Kua mutu Karakia and waiata |
Share with your peers and networks as we would like to hear the views of as many people as possible.
Mauri Ora
Royal Society Te Apārangi
Royal Society Te Apārangi, Aronui Lecture Theatre, 11 Turnbull Street, Thorndon, Wellington, 6011
8:45am Fri 15 February, 2019 - 5:00pm Fri 15 February, 2019