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New Zealand Forum for Local & Community Energy

This forum is to talk about how we can achieve broader and deeper engagement of consumers, local authorities, Māori and community organisations in energy efficiency, renewable heat and power generation, storage and ancillary services in New Zealand.

The schedule

10.00am: Showcasing kiwi community energy projects: we learn about what they do and why, the challenges they face. Speakers are Phil Squire (Sustainability Trust); Sumaria Beaton (Awarua Synergy); Scott Willis (Blueskin Resilience Trust, P2POWER); Gael Ferguson (Energise Otaki); Phil Malpas (Coastal Energy) and Rawinia Kamau (Eastern Bay Energy Trust).

11.50am: Interactive panel on the wider regulatory and market context, where it currently pinches local and community energy action, and where it is likely to create opportunities. Spears are Greg Sise (EnergyLink); Gareth Wilson (MBIE); John Hancock (Chair of Electricity Authority’s Innovation & Participation Advisory Group); Maria Bargh (Head of Māori Studies Victoria University of Wellington) and Janet Stephenson (Otago University Centre for Sustainable Development)

12.50am: Lunch/Kai

1.50pm: You will hear from the PPI project team about what we can learn from policies and regulatory reform for local & community energy elsewhere in the world with Julie MacArthur (Department of Politics and International Affairs, Energy Centre, University of Auckland)

2.20pm: The day ends with an open discussion on strategies for community energy in New Zealand, including how energy policy can be designed to support regionally specific social and economic needs.

3.00pm: Close

Please register by 25 July to avoid disappointment as there are limited spaces available.



Community energy practitioners, MBIE, IPAG and many more


University of Auckland (Energy Centre, Public Policy Institute)


Wellington Rowing Club
2 Taranaki Street
Wellington, Wellington 6011

10:00am Fri 24 August, 2018 - 3:00pm Fri 24 August, 2018