Human longevity: myths and possibilities | Auckland
Thursday 11 October
Presented in partnership with Ryman Healthcare.

Human longevity: myths and possibilities
There have always been long lived individuals. The challenge facing the 21st century is the sheer number of us and our children who are projected to survive to a century and more.
Death has been pushed back across the life course so that most people in high income countries can expect to reach age 80 and over. This means our societies and communities need to rethink our lives and the institutions which frame them. How did we attain such long lives? Will they be healthy or frail? Is there a maximum age a human can live to?
And importantly, how we can ensure that current and future societies are able to maintain wellbeing across these long lived lives, as well as equity within and between the generations.
About the Speaker
Professor Sarah Harper CBE
Professor of Gerontology, University of Oxford
Sarah is a British gerontologist who established University of Oxford's Institute of Population Ageing. She has a background in anthropology, population geography, and population studies, and her current research looks at demographic changes related to the global and regional impact of falling fertility and increasing longevity.
Sarah served on the British Council for Science and Technology, a non-political committee which advises the UK Prime Minister on the scientific evidence for strategic policies and frameworks, advising both David Cameron and Theresa May.
She chaired the UK government’s Foresight Review on Ageing Populations (2014-2016) and has chaired the European Ageing Index Panel for the UNECE Population Unit since 2015. She is a Governor of the Pensions Policy Institute.
In 2017 she served as the Director of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and was appointed a CBE in 2018 for services to Demography.
This event is presented by Royal Society Te Apārangi in partnership with Ryman Healthcare.
Free admission and you are welcome to turn up on the day, however, due to their expected popularity, to guarantee your seat(s) please register by following the booking links.
Views that are expressed at this event may not reflect those of Royal Society Te Apārangi.
Professor Sarah Harper CBE
Human longevity: myths and possibilities
Royal Society Te Apārangi
Auckland Museum, Events Centre The Domain, Parnell, Auckland, 1010
6:00pm Thu 11 October, 2018 - 7:30pm Thu 11 October, 2018