Days of Ice: Kōrero on Ice
Come along and listen to our passionate and inspiring panellists share their exciting research ice-capades, experiences and perceptions of Antarctica!

Kōrero on Ice is an interactive and informal panel discussion where six panellists with unique expertise in varying fields of work will come together to share their kōrero about their mahi, research and/or experience in Antarctica. This will be facilitated by inspiring wahine, Cilla Wehi.
We will explore the questions below, welcome questions from the audience, plus more!
- What are things we might not know (based on their mahi/research)?
- How can we challenge our perception of Antarctica?
- How can we challenge our perception of who goes to Antarctica and what they do?
We will have a fun hands-on activity in the room next door for young ones too so parents can relax and enjoy the kōrero!
This event will only run under Alert Level 1.
We will subscribe to the following practices at Days of Ice to ensure good health, hygiene and safety at the events:
- Practicing social distancing where applicable
- Contact tracing through guest registration and QR code scanning
- Hand santise regularly
- Wear a mask if you would like to
- Stay home if you feel unwell
We ask that our guests also join us in adhering to the above guidelines.
About the facilitator and panellists
Cilla Wehi is an inspiring wahine who is passionate about diversity and inclusivity in science. She shares the importance of "Māori concepts of kaitiakitanga and protection in Antarctica through whakairo", and was part of the largest ever all-female Antarctic expedition, 2018 Homeward Bound programme.
Toni Wi (Ngati Maniapoto) is a speculative fiction writer and policy analyst who holds a Master of Antarctic Studies. Her award-winning stories often explore unusual animals and plants, and the enduring connection between nature and humans.
Marsden-funded Antarctic researcher Associate Professor Nancy Bertler has played a key role in developing ice core research as a new discipline, having spent the last 14 summers in Antarctica. The expeditions she leads increase our understanding of climate change and the implications for global sea level change.
Darcy Mandeno is a dedicated and talented field engineer who has made significant contribution to ice core research at the Antarctic Research Centre.
Sonny Ngātai is an inspiring, young Māori presenter who hosted the Science on Ice - a TV series which gives an insight into life on Antarctica.
Professor Rob Lindeman is the director of HITLab (Human Interface Technology) NZ at the University of Cantebury. HITLab focusses on "utilizing new and emerging technologies such as VR, AR, human-robot interaction, remote collaboration, and applied immersive game design" to better understand human behaviour and to enhance our daily lives.
Anthony Powell is renowned for documenting his experiences at the bottom of the world, having spent an entire year living in Antarctica and filming the environment there. His film 'Year On Ice' showcases his experiences and brings to life an Antarctica that many have never seen before.
Marsden Fund & Royal Society Te Apārangi
TSB Tūranga Room
60 Cathedral Square
6:30pm Thu 8 October, 2020 - 8:00pm Thu 8 October, 2020