Café Scientifique: Squidology 102: The real weirdos (aka Giant Squid are sooooo 2019)
Squidologist and director of the AUT Lab for Cephalopod Ecology & Systematics (ALCES) Associate Professor Kat Bolstad is back for another Café Scientifique!
The salty waters around Aotearoa New Zealand are home to a great diversity of cephalopods—in fact, we have one of the highest diversities of squids and octopuses in the world. We also find new species here on a regular basis. Come on a squishy evening adventure to find out who’s here (and who’s not) and how to recognise them and meet some rather large deep-sea squids that are just as cool as the giant squid (maybe cooler!) but even more mysterious.
Kat’s August 2019 Café Scientifique left us all wanting more, so she has kindly agreed to come back. The talk will begin at 6:30pm sharp in the downstairs function room. Accessible entrance is directly off the carpark. The Cafe Scientifique series is brought to you by the Auckland Museum Institute, the Auckland branch of Royal Society Te Apārangi. Bookings are not required, but if you have any queries please email
Kat Bolstad
Associate Professor
Auckland Museum Institute
Horse & Trap, 3 Enfield Street, Mount Eden, Auckland
6:00pm Wed 25 May, 2022 - 8:00pm Wed 25 May, 2022