He Taonga Tuku Creating a Shared Legacy

Poipoia te kākano kia puāwai nuture the seed and it will bloom.
Help us support New Zealanders to explore, discover and share knowledge
As an independent charitable not-for-profit organisation, Royal Society Te Apārangi welcomes He Taonga Tuku - donations, bequests, volunteering and sponsorships from you, our community of members, friends and partners – to allow us to invest in programmes and new projects, beyond the remit that the Society funding currently allows. Each contribution is a He Taonga Tuku A Shared Legacy - personalised and unique.
He Taonga Tuku will drive forward our core mission, critical to a thriving Aotearoa New Zealand, to support hapori communities, kairangahau researchers, kaiako teachers, tauira students and all New Zealanders to explore, discover and share knowledge. Your support allows us to continue and extend the impact and reach of our activities.
- Our expert advice
In our fast-paced world, full of new ideas, it's important to have a source of trustworthy information on the big issues we face. With your help we can provide more expert advice and information on issues you care about, and issues that you may not know about but could affect you in the future. - Our outreach commitment
School tauira students are learning how to assess the huge amount of information they see every day. We assist them with support for science and research leadership, tauira sector opportunities, research projects and accessible information resources that help builds and support the development of critical thinking, communications and learning skills. - Our public programme
New Zealanders are better informed through our varied public programme that reaches across Aotearoa and the world to share knowledge and inspire curiosity from all rohe regions of New Zealand. - Our research community
Our work helps kairangahau researchers, their teams, their organisations in supporting their research activities and recognising their achievements, amplifying the research outcomes and recognising them through scholarships, funding, awards, medals and prizes.
It is vital that everyone in our community is provided the opportunity to engage, contribute and share.
Ngā mihi maioha thank you for considering assisting Royal Society Te Apārangi in this way.